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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Here's My Thoughts On The Minimum Wage On The Eastern Shore

Dear Mayor, County Executive, Council Members, Delegates, Senators, Congressmen and Governor,

I address you today as a business owner, property owner and taxpayer in the state of Maryland.

I spent many years in PG County and Anne Arundel County before retiring here on the Eastern Shore. Many of us chose to retire here because of the serenity, low taxes and a far lower cost of living.

Over the years I have seen Wicomico County dramatically raise taxes to hopefully buy their way out of this horrible recession. It has failed. I have witnessed an incredible decline in jobs and industry as well as good paying jobs disappear and there is no sign of recovery.

I have Family living on the Western Shore, beyond the Bay Bridge. The recession never truly hit that area as property values are almost normal, (pre recession) yet our property values have dropped, (in all honesty) around 50%. Our foreclosure rates are the highest in the state and unemployment, (depending on who's lying to us) is critical.

Creating a demand to increase the minimum wage here would certainly be the final existence of many honorable small businesses, therefore I offer the following advice.

Since we live in a liberal controlled government in this state and there's little doubt we'll see the minimum wage increase to the new Federal Standards, why not enforce such an increase DEPENDING on the SIZE of the business. In other words, I think we can ALL agree that WalMart has played a HUGE role already in closing many of our incredible small Mom and Pop shops, (such as Hardware Stores and so forth) so why not hit them up with such an increase and leave the small businesses alone. 

You need only look at the Maryland Emission Stations to get a CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the difference between the Eastern Shore and the Western Shore. Because we have so few residents here, we are NOT required to have a Maryland State Emission Test on our vehicles annually like you require elsewhere in the state. 

There IS a difference, especially in income here on the Shore. I'm suggesting if a business has 50 or more employees, raise the minimum wage. If they do not, do not force such a mandate. At least try opening your minds and be creative for once. 

Employers on the Eastern Shore would be the hardest hit in the entire state. We provide more agriculture jobs and chicken industry jobs. The Seafood industry would be hard hit as well. Yet I'd love for all of you to tell me of all the people on the Western Shore who are making minimum wage in the first place, where are they. Two bedroom apartments out there start at $1,700.00 a month and go up from there, depending on the area. 

So while this minimum wage increase may sound good and some are pounding their chest, we the citizens of the Eastern Shore who know we'll be hit the hardest simply aren't as stupid and you Western Shore people hoped we were.  We're not interested in food stamps and government hand outs. We're proud people, business owners and residents of God's Country. We're peaceful people, for now. 

If our Representatives do not wish to consider and or impose such an idea, well, I strongly suggest each Eastern Shore resident treat those coming from the other side of the Bridge with complete disrespect as this is our little part of the world, one in which many good people are desperately trying to survive and salvage our investments. I should add, many of which are being forced out of business BEFORE a minimum wage increase hits. Two can play the game Ladies & Gentlemen. It's our Shore and you can't have it any more.


Joe Albero
Salisbury News


  1. "Over the years I have seen Wicomico County dramatically raise taxes to hopefully buy their way out of this horrible recession."

    They are not buying there way out of a recession. The County Executive like the School Superintendent has created big government my adding jobs and spending more than necessary when they should have cut back. The WCBOE has never implemented a furlough program so they have not even attempted to get out of this hell hole they put the local tax payers in. Our government is way to large and it's time to start cutting back. Cut out the take home cars, park the police cars and only drive them when there is a call after strategically placing themselves throughout the county. No take home police cars not even the Sheriff. Consolidate departments. Consolidate the city but dissolving the charter. The County Council and Executive should cut the BOE off to just minimal. There is no need to have as many employees as they have. Cut back and maybe we can pull out of this "recession" our Democrats have gotten us into.

    1. Cut the BOE jobs to minimal and let's have class sizes of 40. That sounds like a great idea. Instead let's cut the 5+ supervisors for each department. Furlough?? All you people do now is complain when school is closed... Teachers, instructional asst, custodial staff, cafeteria workers, etc have seen a quality raise in more than 5 years...ok ok they did get a 1% raise this year, to keep up with the rising cost of living....

  2. I agree with you Joe and would like to expound a bit on this proposed increase. Any reasonable person can conclude that the mere pittance they are talking of raising the minimum wage is not going to help the workers. It's idiotic to think it will. What it will do though, is decrease competition for large employers who can well afford to pay employees more, due to more independent businesses being forced to close.
    So now before anyone starts with the get educated, go out and better yourself blah blah, start using your heads. There are very few jobs left for Blue Collar workers, such as manufacturing and not everyone (contrary to liberal beliefs) is intellectually capable of a higher education.
    It's time everyone realizes the democrats are for big business and want all trade and services controlled by a handful of big corps and they will stop at nothing to rid the country of small independent businesses.

  3. In case you haven't noticed mr Albero your little piece of the world is sinking quickly. Those of you left on the shore can't afford to keep it running, and since outsiders are well aware they aren't welcome here they are staying away from the overpriced tourist trap. While I do agree with you about the minimum wage issue your typical eastern shore attitude is one of the many reasons the shore will never come back. Good luck Delmarva although that wouldn't even save you.

  4. 642, I must agree with you. More than half of our tax money goes to the BOE and Bennett school is being replaced with a super palace while everybody there is getting raises. Meanwhile, there is no plan that I've herd of to sell the existing property for any substantial amount to curb the cost of the new school, and it will likely go the route of the downtown firehouse with a Cronyism giveaway.

    I also believe that there should be no such thing as a minimum wage in that people should be free to negotiate their value to an employer on their own. Personally, I don't want to hire anyone that thinks they are worth less than $15 per hour, because they probably are, and that's not the caliber of skill and talent I want to serve my customers with. However, I am in a skilled occupation, not a food prep grade business.

    Thanks, Joe for bringing this up!

  5. It does not cost a small business employee less to live, why should they get paid less? Do we extend to them a discount on their rent, car purchase, etc?

    Small businesses will have no choice but to pay the higher wage since no one will work for them for less. Where do you people come up with this stuff?

    It is not any cheaper to live here than other parts of the country that will be paying a higher minimum wage.

    Quit glorifying poorly run businesses that go under at the drop of a hat. You did not have mass store closings in 2009 at the last increase and we were in the height of the depression then.

    Did you miss the part where the fed is going to raise it, so what the state does will not be relevant.

  6. "We're not interested in food stamps and government hand outs."

    Well you must be if you want people to be paid less and remain in poverty. Enjoy the higher taxes you will be paying to subsidize all your poverty wage earners.

  7. Very interesting proposal. Lets see where political will takes it.

  8. 6:42 said
    " park the police cars and only drive them when there is a call after strategically placing themselves throughout the county. "

    Hard to politely comment on this irrational thought. Really? Who would think this an intelligent idea?

  9. That is a vote losing proposition since the majority is in favor of a wage increase.

  10. "You did not have mass store closings in 2009 at the last increase and we were in the height of the depression then."

    Oh there most certainly were mass store closings 7:13. Many of the retailers in outlet malls closed stores in a cost cutting effort due to the increase for an example. You people need to stop lying and pulling stuff out of thin air in an attempt to justify your position.

  11. Businesses pass the cost on to consumers. That negates your theory of mass store closings.

    It also takes people out of poverty and off the government dole.

    there was a time article about it.

    Laura Fitzpatrick wrote in the July 24, 2009, issue of Time magazine online, that the minimum wage translates into a yearly increase of $4,400 for a full-time worker, just nudging a family of four above the poverty line.

    Economists have noted that the minimum wage has been passed on to consumers and rarely affects business profits.

  12. 7:28 closing were due to people not spending money, not because of a minimum wage increase.

    Remember the massive unemployment and foreclosures?

    No lets blame it on an incremental .50/hr raise.

    The depression started way before 2009

  13. "It does not cost a small business employee less to live, why should they get paid less? Do we extend to them a discount on their rent, car purchase, etc"

    DUH!! No kidding rocket scientist! The smaller employers would employ those who are using the job as a "stepping stone" as opposed to a career such has it become with places like Walmart.

  14. anonymous 7:30, Come on now. IF that were the case minimum wage, (through democratic leaders) would now be at $20.00 per hour. If raising the minimum wage would prove to be the answer all along, do tell us why we aren't at $20.00 per hour.

  15. You complain about everyone on welfare and food stamps.

    But you want to keep them in poverty by not raising the minimum wage?

    So which is it?

  16. By no one's stretch of the imagination is this increase going to take
    "people out of poverty and off the government dole."
    Don't be so stupid! Train yourself to forward think. Your source uses imperfect figures. Most minimum wage earners do not work anywhere near full time so the 4000+ increase means nothing. And if this were the case why are more people than ever on public assistance.

    No kidding "Businesses pass the cost on to consumers."
    Again the forward thinking skill comes into play! This is easy to do for a big box store, who can pass the cost off in ways a consumer doesn't notice or hardly notices. Not so easy for a small independent retailer who is only selling a fraction of what larger retailers do.

  17. 7:33 So on the application it will state, is this your primary job or a stepping stone? I do not think employers can discriminate like that.

    Theses jobs ARE primary jobs for MOST of the employees. There ARE NOT stepping stones any longer.

    ah DUH did you even bother to read earlier posts show the LACK of jobs in this county. So you think only stepping stone employees are working?? The highest class of unemployed are in the low age category. That would be your stepping stone category.

  18. 7:33 Joe - I do not understand what you are implying, feel free to clarify.

  19. 7:34-Raising the minimum wage even a few dollars isn't going to do anything to raise workers standard of living. If it did wouldn't we have seen a dramatic decrease in welfare and food stamps after they raised it in 09? Instead we saw a helluva increase in those on assistance.

  20. anonymous 7:34, You must be brain dead, seriously. Many people at WalMart currently making more than minimum wage are on food stamps and assistance. Many of our MILITARY personnel are on assistance. Heck, I've been in a local WalMart where they were asking for FOOD for one of the employees there.

    The IDEA of raising a Federal minimum wage is understandable, more than 50 employees. The cost of living in MOST areas are much higher than the Eastern Shore and quite frankly if we didn't have SU creating a DEMAND for higher rents you'd see rental homes renting for almost HALF of what they get right now.

    I agree with the stepping stone comment. I think we can ALL agree our fist job was at minimum wage and guess what, we ALL survived and made something out of our lives.

    We need to STOP Obama and O'Malley from trying to make America a ONE class state/country.

    Raising the minimum wage, (to Liberals) is really another TAX. You make more, you'll spend more and in the end the state will get more TAXES. Open your eyes people.

  21. "closing were due to people not spending money, not because of a minimum wage increase."

    Nope! You are wrong! Start reading some of the older annual reports of different retailers.
    The closing were a cost cutting effort in order for the companies to remain solvent. You need to educate yourself. Retailers don't always close locations because of low sales. There's much more to running a business than that. As a matter of fact it's not unusual to close a location that does well, if there are indicators leaning toward something like this increase. Even Walmart closes some locations while building others.

  22. Joe your point may be true if they were stepping stone jobs but they aren't any more. The highest unemployment category is the younger age category.

  23. 7:52 Nope! you are wrong !! and said it yourself. They close stores for a lot of reasons and not solely on a minimum wage hike.

    It is idiotic of you to suggest that stores closed, not because of the depression, high unemployment and lack of sales.

    If fact JC Penneys is the shinning example stating LOW TRAFFIC MALL.
    Meaning people do not shop there.

    Guess you need to do more reading and logical analyzing.

  24. `should be $20/hr !! $10/hr 26 years ago !!!! joe - U came down here form nj/ny - looking to exploit this economy - $2/hr for labor - 0.25/ gal of gas -

  25. I do not see how it is cheaper to live here.

    County has the highest taxes in the state, and just raised its income tax level to 3.2% Food, gas, utilities cost the same as everywhere else.

    You have no point on the cost of living issue.

  26. "Businesses pass the cost on to consumers"

    Consumers also being the minimum wage workers, who will then have to pay more also. Your logic is completely flawed!

  27. anonymous 7:56, Let me ask you this.

    Do you believe that IF Sheriff Mike Lewis wanted to run for County Executive, do YOU believe he would win? I do.

    That being said, WHY on earth should the taxpayers pay him an additional $10,000.00 a year when someone else could fill his shoes and be happy at the current pay scale while Sheriff Lewis could take that stepping stone and move up?

    I know there's a MASSIVE difference between his salary and minimum wage. I'm simply trying to point out that I see Mike Lewis moving up a political ladder, so why not do so now and stay with the County and EARN, (by voters choice) a pay increase.

    We have minimum wage jobs because we need them. When you have people in the fields picking watermelons or people rounding up chickens, you believe they should have a 30% pay increase? Do you truly believe these people stay on these jobs the rest of their lives?

    Yes, I believe in stepping stones and EARNING and increase. I was raised dirt poor and made something of my life, as did my siblings.

  28. Employers have been exploiting workers for years. Why change now.
    Now for your MW job you are expected to perform the work of two people.

    The MW wage has been increased 23 times and life has gone on and survived.

    As in nature it is survival of the fittest, so if a poorly run business goes under, too bad.

  29. Yes Joe some farm and agricultural workers stay for years. So why should they not be paid a livable wage?

    I do not see you out there chasing chickens. Sorta a derogatory comment.

  30. anonymous 8:21, Your reply under anonymous is a very easy thing to say, more than likely a load of crap.

    I will say this. When I owned my businesses I made it a point to walk into each one of them and clean toilets. I want my employees to see that I was never above ANYONE and that I would never ask someone to do something I could not do myself.

    I have walked the walk MANY times in my life and put myself in a place in which I fortunately do not have to take on a minimum wage job, BUT I HAVE BEEN THERE.

    If if meant Joe Albero could raise money for a needy Family on Delmarva, would I go pick watermelons, ABSOLUTELY. I may not be the fastest at my age but you can believe I would do it in a heart beat.

  31. Your answer to not getting your way - being rude to everyone from across the bay- might work in NJ, but it doesn't fly among true Shoremen (and women!) You can stay here as long as you choose, but you will never really be one of us.

  32. This proposed increase is putting a bandage on the problem.
    The only reason this is even an issue is because of the lack of competition in the job market. There are virtually no assembly lines left in the area, so other business are picking up the slack and can pay low wages because the workers have no where else to go.
    For example the chicken companies. Years ago there were 20 or more processors on the shore. Not only the growers, but the workers benefitted because the companies had to be competitive in every way including wages. Now the way it works, there are only a handful of companies left, and the trickle down effect has been lost because growers even have to purchase their feed (or seed in the case of contract produce farmers) from the companies.

  33. Once again, the battle between politicians who have never run a business and small business owners flares up. Politicians don't have to worry about limited funds or increasing labor costs or slumping sales in a dreadful economy. All they have to do is raise taxes, and their problems are solved.

    They are supported by many in the work force who see all small business owners as greedy multimillionaires who can easily afford any tax, labor hike, or health insurance plan that is forced on them. Gee, all they have to do is raise their prices.

    That might be an option in a booming and bustling economy. This is not the time to force Obamacare and a higher minimum wage on small businesses. People who run in limited social circles and do not interact with small business people just do not know how this economy has hurt their sales. Rubbing elbows with career democrats and/or living in your parents' basements gives a very narrow view of what really goes on in the business world.

  34. The chicken companies are moving to right-to-work states

  35. Let me show you how rare things can be here mentality wise on the Shore.

    Show me ONE, (just one) local business owner that agrees the minimum wage on the Shore should be raised. WBOC couldn't even find one in their interviews yesterday.

    They're about as rare as an actual human being that actually voted for Jim Ireton in the election.

    The liberals CLAIM they are out there but I'll be damned if we can find any of them.

    The ONLY people that want and support the minimum wage increase are NOT business owners, yet we allow our government to control our lives because ghost liberals say this is what they want. Because these ghosts claim they know better, yet not a damn one of them has the experience and or ownership of running a business.

    Keep voting for these Liberals Eastern Shore. I can afford them but believe me, in a few years they'll own your home, bank accounts and you'll be bowing your head in line for an EBT card.

  36. Joe

    I do like the 8:26 comment!

    But I still stand by my post that a lot of people in MW jobs hold them for a long time. It is not simply the chicken catchers, but retail workers, fast food, hotels, etc.

  37. Eastern Shore employers are greedy and have a 1990's mentality thinking that food and rent are cheaper than in other parts of the country.

    They think the came upon their success singlehandedly, without thought of how their employees contributed to their success

  38. 9:19, Oh, I see how you liberals think now.

    Let's see. YOU don't put up a PENNY. YOU take absolutely NO RISK whatsoever. YOU pay no insurance, inventory, taxes, medicare, social security, gas & electric, advertising and so forth but YOU want to be our PARTNER with NO overhead.

    YOU want a bigger piece of the pie, I get it now.

  39. 9:21 that is not what I said, but being paid fairly and treated respectfully while I am contributing to the success of your business would be nice.

    It is insulting when you put a 1/2 million dollar addition on your house and then tell us you have no money for raises when I can't put food on the table

    That is your typical eastern shore employer.

    Really you think employee are that stupid to not realize their contribution to your success? How dare we expect to make a livable wage while you are whooping it up in Hawaii.

  40. 9:21 oh and let me add, that PENNY I contributed was the raise I have not gotten in the last 5 years.....

  41. 9:27, I see. So there shouldn't be REWARDS for our RISKS.

    What business is it of yours if we build a half million dollar addition to our homes.

    You lazy ass Liberals want it all with NO RISKS. I can see the new State Lottery now. Everyone has to play and only ONE winner will chosen in alphabetical order, Liberals first.

    Get off the government/taxpayer payroll, go get a loan and start your own business. No one said you can't be just as successful.

    Oh, that's right. It's much easier getting a free ride instead. I get it.

  42. Free Ride?
    I am not sure how working over 40 hours a week at substandard pay is a free ride.

    I am not sure how doing the job of 2 people with no raise for over 5 years is a free ride.

    I do not see how I am being a "lazy ass" making your business profitable and not being rewarded for going above and beyond my basic responsibilities.

  43. So everyone who doesn't own his own business is getting a free ride? Your arrogance is unbelievable. You just don't get it. PLEASE, go see how that flies in New Jersey.

  44. 9:43, Your lucky your leader Obama hasn't subjected you to being forced to work less than 40 hours yet, because that too is coming and I'm sure that will be the republicans fault too.

    Let me explain a bit further. An Eastern Shore businessman goes to auctions and brings an assistant to help carry what is purchased to the truck. That employee is with them for let's say 4 hours, yet in the end that employee only does 15 minutes worth of work.

    NOW, do YOU Liberals actually believe that small business owner should be paying $10.10 an hour for that employee? $20,000.00 a year!!!

    Now, Liberals, let's get back to the POINT of my Post. MY suggestion was to ONLY raise the minimum wage to those with 50 or more employees.

    YOU still haven't shown me ONE employer locally who AGREES to a wage increase. You still haven't produced ONE person on the Western Shore who makes minimum wage.

    Maybe once you actually open your minds you'll come to realize that the only impact that will happen in the state is the Eastern Shore.

    What will this wage increase say to the people out there making $11.00 an hour. Did you ever THINK about what the wage increase will do to so many small local businesses who's hard working employees won't see a 30% pay increase to their salaries?

    LIBERALS who are NON business owners have NO CLUE how expensive it is to be in business in this state any more. It will impact everyone and guess what, we'll see a major decline in businesses AND hobs here because of it. .

  45. So you take up 4 hours of my day, and think I should only be compensated for 15 minutes?

    If I am in your presence at your request, I am certainly not giving up my free time to do it uncompensated.

    Ask your wife or your kid to help you out then.

    Your display of the lack of respect you have for employees, is appalling.

  46. It will impact everyone and guess what, we'll see a major decline in businesses AND JOBS here because of it.

  47. Well according to you those making $11 do not deserve a 30% increase because they are simply lucky to be working for (you).

  48. I don't think having everyone become rude to the western shore folk is going to fix anything. However, Wicomico county can institute one thing that could help build a profit base to help with things such as education, roads, infrastructure, etc, instead of taxing everyone more, or ticketing everyone in school zones.... Simply add a toll booth to route 50. The bypass is what helped kill the town, instead of tourists stopping in Salisbury for gas and food, everyone stops in Easton, Cambridge or West OC. Get some of that back by adding a 25 cent toll to continue on to OC.

  49. 10:09, I didn't say that. I'm saying, do you think that small employer should be subjected to a 30% INCREASE in pay for those four hours.

    I'll add, that employer will simply NOT hire that person for the day and go SOLO instead and people with your mindset will simply be out of work.

  50. Yes - The employer should be paying the employee the prevailing wage for those four hours. It wasn't the employees choice. My time is not free for your benefit. (But then that there is your typical eastern shore employer mentality that I am talking about)

  51. When the time comes for layoffs of workers because of the minimum wage increase and Obamacare go look in the parking lot for Obozo bumper stickers to help make the choice.


  52. To really simplify:

    Some folks start businesses and need workers to make it run. Boss & worker should be free to negotiate pay and any other benefits that are mutually agreeable. Everyone's happy.

    As it grows it's more efficient for boss to have one plan for 150 folks than 150 plans for one folk. Natural tendency. If all 150 are happy, everyone's happy. He can revamp to address any unhappiness, or folk(s) can find a more pleasing situation. Still happy.

    Market economies are about choice. Do you want to be restricted to the same car at the same price as everyone else on your street? Do you want to have to buy the exact same order that the guy ahead of you got at the drive-thru?

    Don't wanna work for the man? No problem, be your own man! Hope you prosper and can have the same discussion with your employees.

    The Shore is really no different than any other semi-rural area; human nature is human nature for those offering work and those seeking it.

    If you are willing to work for $4, $6, $8, $12, $20, $35, whatever, why should the government impede you?

  53. Responding to 8:51 Posting

    You can stay here as long as you choose - but you will never really be one of us.

    Response: I to have been a lifelong resident - (born & raised) - here in Wicomico County. It's people like you who have helped to hold our people down.

    If living under depression conditions means - 'really not being one of us' - let us all pray that we will have some fresh blood to come in here from the outside. If bringing in someone from the outside is what it takes to shine a light on these caustic conditions - I openly invite him into our community.

    As for my own opinion - I believe Mr. Albero has more than met the initiation standards - as now most people can see what has happened to our community. SBYnews shows it every single day.

    As for increasing the pay scale for 50+ employees - employers. This isn't really going to effect the bottom line of Wal-Mart or Sam's Club. If anything - it would probably stimulate employment, particularly, among the smaller employers. Remember, the small employers generate more than 60% of the jobs.

  54. Fair wages are what is in question now. Although what is considered fair?? The difference between Democrats and Republicans is apparent. Democrats want all people, including those who are not willing to work to improve their skills, to live comfortably. Republicans believe in opportunity and the easy access to it. Minimum wage should be considered a topic of ethics and what is fair. Those who want something bad enough will work for it, and thus their wages should increase.

  55. Global warming has had a profound affect on the minimum wage debate.

  56. 10:11am The bypass & route 50 are state owned roads. So your solution doesn't work.

  57. 10:45 I am not sure if I am following you, but if you mean that I can no longer afford the $4 a gallon of fuel oil it takes to heat my home you would be correct

  58. 10:41 yea the pay your employee what you want thing doesn't work out so well for employees, hence the fair labor standard act.

    yea lets revert back to slave wages, child labor, and unsafe working conditions. Maybe they can negotiate....... not.

    Nice try but there was a reason for the legislation, I think they called it greed.

  59. 10:45 I think global warming has had a profound effect on your head.

  60. No, Beezer, it has nothing to do with living in a depression. It means ALLOWING the nastiness that we see on here every day that shows me he doesn't get what it means to be a true Eastern Shoreman. I'll repeat: Rudeness and nastiness might fly in New Jersey but we don't praise or condone that here.

  61. Joe has weighed in on the "Income Equality"

    If this were true, the Public Sector would not be getting a pass on Obamacare. They would not be increasing Food Stamp allotments to these same people at a 33% rate increase while Americans who paid into the system all their lives on fixed incomes have received less than what the rate of inflation on money that had an amazing rates of return for many years.

    And most of all.. the Public Sector would not be grubbing to make themselves in the top echelon of a two class society by increasing their own pensions, salaries and bonuses at our expense.

    This rhetoric is pandering to their biggest voting sector which is all that ever happens in Maryland today instead of anything productive.

    So lets try and create jobs not ship them overseas so the same Politicos make sure their mutual funds perform at an obscene rate of return that makes everything else pale in comparison. Maryland is a bad investment it will always be with Progressive hate as the driving force.

  62. As a small business owner in sby for over 30 years I take offense to comment 9:27 am. I don't live in a million dollar home and surely haven't added a half million dollar addition and I drive a 12 year old vehicle. My other vehicle I bought used is 11 years old. Maybe if I or my husband each didn't have a small business and still worked for the government we could afford a million dollar home! There are so many others comments I thought about responding to, but this one really hit a nerve. I do agree that raising the minimum wage is actually a tax another form of tax!

  63. Like I said before...

    Raising the minimum wage to $10.10/hour on the Eastern Shore will =
    Higher prices for EVERYTHING + A substantial increase in taxes businesses have to pay, which would = More businesses closing their doors, which would then = Less jobs and an even higher unemployment rate in our region, which would =
    More impoverished area residents on welfare + more alcoholics & drug addicts + a higher crime rate.


  64. 11:26 from 10:41 Anon

    You swung and missed. Please review. My comment specifically stated employer and employee agreed on wage and other conditions = both happy.

    If you seek a job and get an offer you consider inadequate, don't accept. Or accept and keep looking for a better deal. Or accept and demonstrate that you're worth what you desired so you can re-open the topic based on accomplishments; then stay or go.

    Many, many employers pay & have paid above the MW for a variety of reasons (not all of which are altruistic): the employee was 'worth' the increase; there were too few applicants at MW; needed special skills, etc.

    That is the market at work. You use it when it's to your benefit. Ever buy clothes on seasonal clearance? Or do you insist on paying full price?

    Same goes for the supply of offered labor: 4,000 teenagers competing for 200 jobs in OC means the value of any one worker goes down. 4,000 jobs and only 200 applicants? Employers will bid up what they will pay. It's not a one-way elevator. Accept the offered job or not; your choice. If everyone is declining, the offer will increase.

  65. anonymous 12:21, You need to open your eyes and get out a LOT more.

    Just go to Sam's Club and ask the people working behind the counter at the food court how they're treated by Eastern Shore natives. Mind you, there are many "Come Here's" that are just as rude but don't you dare sit here and act as if shore natives are overly kind.

    When I frequent a business often enough they call me "Mr. Albero" because I always treat them with RESPECT. I say yes sir, mam. I say thank you and have a nice day. It is how I was raised and I get the "Mr. Albero" because my respect towards others seems to be quite RARE these days.

    Far too many people any more these days simply ACT like. I PAID FOR IT, NOW SERVE ME.

    Catjowill, I have personally known you for MANY years now. I have been to your home and one thing I can say without any doubt is that this Family has NEVER forgotten where they came from.

    These are some of the hardest working people I know. These people are the BACKBONE of supporting Wicomico County and paying MORE than their fair share of taxes. If they were in Worcester County I'd bet their overhead would be at least 50% less. If they were in Delaware it would be 70% less.

    You people better be nice to those of us investing here because we could sell everything off and leave YOU holding the bag!

  66. Anon 12:21 - An abundance of "Rudeness and Nastiness" as you state, as well as ignorance and racism, exists in this area and is more prevalent here on the eastern shore of Md. than on the western shore. Their are exceptions though.

  67. The eastern shore is a very unique and beautiful place.... Sadly it's also way behind the times in how it thinks... You can't keep re-electing people just because they are nice. Too many "bypasses" have killed towns like Salisbury people traveling 13 south can drive right by missing all the businesses in Salisbury . Who thought this was smart? The minimum wage issue isn't really an issue for the shore as there isn't much left anyway. The shore is spinning out of control and there is no end in sight. You all don't get the big picture and that's been the shores problem for decades....unless something changes real fast there will be nothing left. Blaming political parties won't fix the shore.....

  68. 12:33 I didn't miss, but you did. Otherwise we wouldn't need a fair labor act now would we.

    Your fairy tale analogy doesn't work, we have tried it, hence the law.

    Quit fighting a losing battle you are beginning to look even more stupid.

  69. The bypass is a state road and was probably implemented to appease the money from OC's big influencing good ole boys. The faster they get to OC, the less businesses people pass on the way, is more money the tourists have when they get to OC. I have said that the bypass was bad for Salisbury since it was built. Others call it progress, go figure. Vienna all but died when the new bridge pasted that little town. Just think of that on a bigger scale.

  70. It would be nice if schools would teach business economics.

  71. I'm not exactly sure what global warming and the minimum wage debates have in common.I only know that comments are like a fingerprint.Without benefit of a URL # or whatever it's easy to identify who made a comment by their writing style.The same people who comment excessively about global warming also comment excessively about the minimum wage.There must be a connection somewhere.

  72. The point, Mr. Albero, is that there are rude people everywhere and you allow the rudest of words here on this site. I'll take my upbringing on the Shore over yours any day of the week. You may be the most polite person you ever met, but as long as you put the garbage out that you do, you will smell just as bad. So yes, let's be rude to everyone from across the bay. I believe that was your original suggestion. Maybe you should get out a little more yourself.

  73. IDK, i comment excessively on global warming, but i could really care less about a minimum wage. If you wanna work for $2.00 per hour, help yourself. Matter of fact, i gotta a job for you. I believe that people have to stand up for themselves and demand better working conditions.

  74. I don't 100% agree with you Joe. The way to fix this problem goes right back to cutting out the multiples of "entitlement" programs. I work 2 jobs, at one point in my life both were full time, I didn't have a car and would walk an hour between them. I wouldn't EVER enroll in one of these programs to pay for my house, food, utilities, healthcare, child care and cellphone because I was raised not to steal from people. Nearly all Walmart employees are part time and as King Bama says a single mother can't afford to raise the babies she's been popping out since high school on that much money. THEN GET OFF YOUR @$$, GET YOUR HAND OUT OF MY POCKET AND GO GET A SECOND JOB. These handouts on top of handouts allows people to not be responsible for their laziness or poor life decisions. I would not at all mind paying more taxes to educate people for needed jobs. This is something that would actually lift people up and make thier lives and financials better. Raising the minimum wage will force up the overhead of companies, increasing their prices and passing on the cost of coddling these low/no skill workers to everyone. Lazy, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

  75. For a bunch of people who get their panties knotted about speed cameras, you sure don't seem to mind govt intrusion when it comes to mandating wages.

  76. 5:04 . I couldn't agree more.

  77. Well I'd like to chime in here. There seems to be something going on that is eluding many. Something going on behind the scenes that is at the root of the entire "increase in the minimum wage" thing. The living wage argument is the carrot the liberals are dangling in front of our noses. The real goal isn't to create a better wage/life for people. The real goal is to generate more revenue. If the tax was ten percent on $10.00 - the revenue generated would be $1.00. That same tax on $7.75 would only be 77.5 cents. It may not seem like a lot but in a year it would be billions of dollars in additional revenue for the federal government. The government needs more revenue to push off financial collapse a little longer. They failed miserably at creating jobs. so they must make more from the ones that still exist. Soon they will eliminate tax write offs such as mortgage interest in an attempt to tax a different socioeconomic group a little more. Think about it. Everything they have done lately they have done with the intent of increasing revenue. Another example is methanol fuel. It's about 15% less efficient than regular unleaded gasoline. You must buy more to travel the same distance. Subsequently you pay more in taxes to travel the same distance. Open up your eyes and see whats right in front of your faces. This minimum wage thing is just another government givaway designed to buy votes and increase revenue by misleading the American public.

  78. First of all, as someone pointed out before, you can CHOOSE to accept what an employer offers to pay you. Second, why pay someone such as $10.10/hr to flip burgers or whatever when its basically a skill that just about anyone can do and is for a job with a HUGE turnover rate. A employer will be willing to pay good money for an employee that shows skills and potential that many other don't have. Moving on though to raising the MW. Let's say Judy is working at X-Corp and has spent the last 5 yrs working hard an getting raises from say $8.00/hr and now makes $11.00/hr...she now makes more money than her peers, which she has EARNED, now comes along MW being raised to $10.10/hr. Do you think she is going to get a raise too(at least at the same percentage or gap as her lower paid peers) I really don't think so. In fact it's happened to me. Years ago I busted my butt at my job making more money then my co-workers. Next thing I know the state raised the MW to the same amount I was making. I got no raise and how do you think that made me feel knowing ALL of my HARD work was noid and void now. It was stupid and I ended up leaving for a better job because it wasn't right that other people there got more the same money as I did even though I worked harder and in the process my employer lost a great worker.

  79. I have a major problem with the Median Wage of $12/hour. Infaltion adjusted from 1968 the Minimum wage would be at least $20/hour. Yet you act like that would be insane. Does that mean you think employers were insane in 1968?

    Wake up. $12 or less for half of Americans working is unacceptable.

  80. There were so many comments and I didnt have time to read them all, so if what I say repeats what others have said, sorry. Raisng minimum wage is bad. Employers will either raise prices or lay off workers. And since I make more than minimum wage, I would expect my eployer to raise my rate by at least the % they rage minimum wage. So where hase this gotten anyone? Poverty levels will rise, prices will rise. It will all even out. Or should. And if it does... who is the real winner?? GOVERNMENT!! They get more income tax, sales tax, all taxes!! This is a very bad and dangerous idea. Because if they raise the minimum wage and I dont get a raise... I think it will benefit me to not work and collect welfare.

  81. I commented earlier but the last few comments have given me another point. Right now robots and computers are taking over these minimum wage low skill jobs. Take a look at all the self checkout lines and computer ordering screens. These technoligies are getting cheaper and cheaper for companies to purchase. If you increase the cost of employing people while the cost of human replacements goes down, what do you think will happen to the jobs numbers.

  82. When government mandates things like the minimum wage and health care, it goes against the principles of a free market economy and moves us closer to socialism.

  83. If you make minimum wage, congrats, you are not somebody who adds to the business you work for. Why should you get a 40% raise, for being an ineffective worker that doesn't add to the profit of a company? Are you going to produce 40% more for the company? NO.

    People who are pushing for this increase are no different than people on the government handout programs.

  84. I would rather NOT work and collect government assistance and spend the government's money on businesses who refuse to consider raising minimum wages for their employee like walmart. Getting paid at the current wage is slavery. Everything man needs for surviving goes up because of the greed of businesses. But, these businesses do not want to pay their employees fair wages. There is no sense in that. I too worked hard for an employer who gave new employees pay increases and not the veterans for 20 years. I quit this job soon after. I have no retirement. No unemployment. No EBT/Snap/welfare. I am struggling. But, one good thing I got out of the whole mess is a piece of mind. And, I will NEVER shop at walmart as long as I live or any other business that do not put employees first. This is what the average employee need to think about when they make purchases. Does this company that you are buying your products from support you and your family? If not, Don't shop there. walmart owners are greedy and do not care about their employees, the community nor the environment. It's just an expensive store with cheap products. I refuse to work for minimum wage and then pay high federal and state taxes at the end of the year through turbo tax. Joe, you are not for the average middle class people. You are for big business. And, why is it that you can use foul language on this blog but you insist we don't. I use to believe in you. I no longer do.

  85. Raising the minimum wage in the middle of the worst economic depression in our country since the great depression is not a good idea. It will cause a lot of people making that amount now to lose their jobs. Some may not lose their jobs but their hours will be cut back to compensate for lost revenue. And 10:35 I don't like Wal-Mart either but it is because it is China-mart. I don't think they have the best interest of America in mind or they would at least TRY to stock SOME made in the USA products. Oh you say then they will cost too much, well if Wal-Mart officials would seek out American businesses to develop business relationships with like they do the stinking Chinese, the cost factor could be negotiated.

  86. Here are my thoughts on minimum wage. If you think you should be paid more than minimum wage then I suggest you go back to school and get a proper education or training for that job that you think pays to much.

  87. 8:42am,
    Girl, don't you know that this country was not built by people with college degrees. Just because you spent tax payers money to get a degree do not entitle you to tell others what to do. There are smart people out their w/o college degrees during extremely well without a degree. The bottom line is, big businesses are making large amount of money off your dollar bill from your purchases but refuse to pay their employees a fair wage so that they can take care of their family. Workers deserve fair wages that would allow them to take care of their family. Not wages that still force them to receive EBT/Snap. welfare or any other assistance from the government. Which is the case with some employees at walmart. There are folks out there who want to work. But who wants to work for $7.25 dollars an hour when the government assistant programs pay more. Think about Ms. Ed-u-men-ca-tion. I don't. And, will not.

  88. >>>But you want to keep them in poverty by not raising the minimum wage?<<<

    I don't know the solution to this mess, but I'm damned tired of the pinheads that think raising MW will get everybody out of poverty and off welfare. Understand this if you understand nothing else - raising MW, and the attendant inflation, will raise the amount that determines whether someone is considered 'living in poverty'. Many folks on fixed incomes will become eligible for welfare. Those currently making $10 - $15 / hr will lose substantial buying power and may become eligible for 'benefits'. And if people won't work for $7.50, what makes you think they'll work for $10 when it has the same buying power?

  89. First and foremost, the only pinhead I know is Bill O'Reilly. Secondly, the current wage is keeping people in poverty. I've worked with people who started out with the current minimum wages and have struggled for yearsssssssssss. Receiving paychecks that were not keeping up with inflation nor cost of living increases. But, members of congress are millionaires and the rick keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. A boost in the minimum wages would help these people and increase spending. Increase spending help businesses. Even though they don't need help. Especially walmart. Hell, I might just go back into the workforce at 10.10 dollars an hours. I refuse to work for the minimum wage.

  90. lower cost of living? give me a break! chicken costs more here where it's processed than everything cost the same or more as it does anywhere else. The only thing cheaper here is the wages!


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