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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Hack Attack

Isn't it interesting how all of a sudden Salisbury News has been a victim recently of multiple cyber attacks.

Ever since we made the announcement on New Years Day in which we finally proved to the World just how active Salisbury News is, we have been attacked almost daily. 

Even our Contributors have been receiving daily messages from Google warning them that someone is trying to hack their accounts.

So who do you think would be so interested in shutting us down? No, it's not the NSA. It's a local small group with technical knowledge.

We have installed new safety technology that will keep us going but you have to wonder who has all that time on their hands. Who is that afraid of Salisbury News. The list is fairly long but we're getting very close.  


  1. Right, Left, Good, Bad or indifferent... when you get noticed you get attention.

    You'd get the same level of attention if you was on the other side of the fence.

    You can't make your way into popularity then be surprised when people try to exploit it.

    Make sure you have strong passwords, different passwords for everything (Look into something like KeePass. WONDERFUL when paired with something like Dropbox.), enable stuff like 2 factor authentication, etc

  2. My anti virus has also notified me that I have had several attempted intrusions lately that failed thanks to my security.

  3. I hope that you catch them, but they are probably well hidden behind proxy servers or whatever. By the way, did you notice the DT has reprinted 2 entire pages from a week ago or so about local bars? What idiots.

  4. Probably the same crew that rigged the election for Ireton and Day.

  5. 6 comments made over the last 6 weeks have revealed super sensitive information.The source of those comments is what they're after.SBY News can at times be a threat but it hides absolutely nothing.You put it all out there,making the acquisition of your posts irrelevant and access to your site meaningless.As great a resource as Sby News is it's all there in black and white for anyone to read.As I said,6 comments have a certain entity seriously up in arms and precisely who made those comments is of the utmost importance.

  6. 12:56, Interesting. No one ever made any attempt to contact me over the alleged 6 comments that were made. No, if anything, some people in powerful places locally have finally come to learn we ARE the biggest source for local news and information and they are pulling whatever strings they can to shut us down.

    Maybe YOU should go back to my New Years Day Post and see how the rest of your comment is simply a load of crap.

    IF we were "MEANINGLESS" what are YOU doing here and why did YOU make a comment. Idiots!

  7. If you believe you are being hacked, not only turn your computer off, but also remove your server plug that looks like a phone hookup on the computer plug ports. Once they hack an account they may still be able to access your info because you are still connected to you server. Change passwords often and not easy passwords, my passwords are so long and tedious I have to write them down on paper. Use both upper and lower case letters, numbers and other keys such as these @#%$&*. Don't make it easy on them and they won't waste their time.

  8. Being able to be anonymous is one of the best things of your website.Others make you sign in with facebook or something so they can go after you.


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