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Friday, February 14, 2014

Gov. Markell’s Proposed Gas Tax Hike Could Be Tied To Inflation Rate

Lawmakers say they’re just now learning about the Markell administration’s plan to index his proposed 10-cent gas tax hike to inflation.

That provision in his plan wasn’t emphasized during press conferences or his budget presentation, nor do legislators remember Markell specifically outlining it to them when he debuted the initiative two weeks ago.

The governor spoke about indexing the gas tax to a nine-member state panel on transportation Wednesday.

It’s all part of his five-year, $500 million transportation plan, which includes $50 million in annual borrowing to bankroll infrastructure initiatives.
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  1. What Markel did was 'take a page out of O'Malley's text book'.

    Maryland has already initiated the automatic gas tax increases - so the public has NO INPUT!

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    It looks as OweMalley and Markell are playing poker on Who Can Trump Who on increasing the taxes. And the ones that pay the price are We the People, again. But those Two Don't Care - They Are Democ-rats. "Governor, I've got news for ya, YOU HAVE BEEN FIRED!!!


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