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Monday, February 17, 2014

Goodbye, Eric Holder?

Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder told the New Yorkermagazine he plans to step down from his post later this year, but a Holder spokesman now denies he made any such commitment.

It’s just another confusing day in the increasingly chaotic Obama administration, where, as the president’s approval ratings continue to fall, the left hand never quite seems to know what the extreme-left hand is doing.

In an interview that appears in theNew Yorker’s Feb. 17 issue, Holder told Jeffrey Toobin that he intends to remain in his position “well into” the year. Holder “told me that he will leave office sometime this year,” Toobin writes in the feature article.



  1. NEVER happen. It is his job to enforce Ob's Martial Law and you can bet he will do it.

    1. ROT in hell holder you TRAITOR.

  2. Obama and his criminal Attorney General are inseparable.


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