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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Global Warming? Lake Superior Will Freeze Over This Winter

How to explain record cold temperatures? Well, global warming has “paused,” according to warmist scientists.
They cite a study published in the Nature Climate Change journal. It says increased trade winds in the central and eastern areas of the Pacific have forced warm surface water deep within the ocean and that has reduced the amount of heat released into the atmosphere.

The warming pause was taken up by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It declared in its 2013 climate report that the Earth is going through a solar minimum and the oceans are sucking up most of the heat.

Not to worry, though. “This hiatus could persist for much of the present decade if the trade wind trends continue, however rapid warming is expected to resume once the anomalous wind trends abate,” the Nature Climate Change report states.



  1. Then the water should be receding from around our local islands if the worldwide temp is dropping.This could be good news for those who call Smith & Tangier home.It could also be good news for the rest of the planet.

  2. The water is not rising around Smith & Tangier. The islands are simply eroding; the same thing that happened to Poplar Island, Sharps Island, etc.

  3. I think rising sea levels are a scam too. Everybody with a glass of ice water knows the water level drops when the cubes melt

  4. Im no scientist but I think the 4 volcanos going off at this time are causing the cooling effect.

  5. They should "freeze" Al Gore's bank accounts, along with auctioning off his assets, and give it back to the people. Biggest scam in American history, bigger than Maddoff. Such an arrogant hypocrite.

  6. Maddoff was a diversion.

  7. 1 inches average thickness! That's walk across the lake thickness!


  8. Not to worry. The lakes may be frozen but global warming BS is still flowing!


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