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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Federal Court Deals Gun-Grabbers A Blow In San Diego Concealed Carry Ruling

In a major victory for gun rights activists, a federal appeals panel in California has rejected a law in San Diego County that requires applicants for concealed-carry permits to demonstrate “good cause” as to why they need a gun for personal safety.

A three-judge panel on Thursday rejected a district court’s ruling in favor of the county after plaintiffs appealed. The plaintiffs argued that “by defining ‘good cause’ in San Diego County’s permitting scheme to exclude a general desire to carry for self-defense, the county impermissibly burdens their Second Amendment right to bear arms.”



  1. Maybe someone can tell the local Gestapo that the Second Amendment to the constitution is "good cause" to ALLOW (I HATE that word when it's used to describe an unelected person being given the power to decide whether or not we get to have and exercise our Constitutional rights) citizens to possess/carry a weapon. Dont' fret, though. Soon reporters will need a permit, too.
    You cheered. They responded.

  2. I'm in Maryland and am ready to fight this fight! Whose in and where do we start? (again)


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