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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

FBI Agent: U.S. Has Evidence To Indict CAIR For Terror

The Justice Department has enough incriminating evidence to file terrorism charges against the Council on American-Islamic Relations and its founders but has chosen not to indict the Washington-based group and its leaders at this time, a veteran FBI agent reveals in a shocking new book.

“There is enough evidence to indict CAIR, but the government chose not to do so at this time,” said former FBI official John Guandolo, author of “Raising a Jihadi Generation: Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in America.”

He suggests the government balked at throwing the book at CAIR for political reasons.

CAIR has cultivated a number of political supporters, mainly among leading Democrats in Washington – including senior White House officials. Secret Service entry logs show CAIR officials have visited the White House several times during the Obama administration.
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  1. The Government has chosen not to indict them? You do mean Holder and Obama chose not to. Wake up people.

  2. Obama will not allow this

  3. we need to re-posture. In a position of strength. Throw the book at 'em. If you can "get" Martha...

  4. Send their evil Muslim butts packing. No letting the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


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