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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Excuse Me, Do You Have An Extra Pair Of Boots, It's Getting Thick Around Here

"Salisbury Metropolitan Statistical Area."

"This used to encompass Wicomico and Somerset counties," says Jake Day, president of the Salisbury City Council. "Today, it encompasses Sussex County in Delaware, Worcester County in Maryland, Somerset County in Maryland and Wicomico County in Maryland."

"Salisbury is really not in that bad of a position as indicated in that report," says Ernie Coleburn, CEO of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.

It would seem that Salisbury News is now getting tag teamed by both local television news stations but that's OK. I feel like a senior citizen already helping young children at both news stations. We'll start calling them my "Flock" or "Flockers". 

Anyhow, WMDT took our data we provided the other day and allowed the City to cover their rear ends, but they failed. You can read their full article HERE

Ernie Coleburn with the Chamber of Commerce and Jake Day went into immediate damage control. However, Jake Day did say we need to concentrate on jobs. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR JAKE? Wicomico County lost 1,800 jobs in December Ernie, do tell us what's so good going on in Salisbury or Wicomico County! I know, tell us ALL of the new businesses that have moved to Salisbury. Oh, that's right, THERE ARE NONE! 

Now I can see why they brought back that retired has been. You remember this guy, right Folks. He's the same guy that asked the questions at the PACE Forum and every other Candidate aside from Debbie Campbell and myself got the questions in advance and actually had scripted answers, all the while saying, I want everyone to know that NONE of the Candidates received these questions in advance. The entire crowd broke out in hysterics. 

Mr. Day, come on man. Look, why can't you Liberals just flat out admit, we're in deep doo doo and we need to work harder at REVITALIZING our economy and jobs. Do you people really believe that tens of thousands of people are buying your BS? Do you really believe people can't see the people standing at almost EVERY traffic light with a sign and a can begging for HELP. I'll bet you simpletons had NO CLUE that little old gray haired citizens can't even afford to keep their homes warm this winter BECAUSE THEY ARE BROKE. It's jackasses like these two that have screwed even the elderly not only out of their retirement savings, they're losing their homes too. God Forbid someone like Joe Albero step forward and actually expose things the Liberals DON'T want you to hear. 

Let me give you an example. Yesterday I called a local store in Salisbury to order a skid, (1 ton) of heating pellets. I didn't need a total ton but I thought it best to have extras in case someone else I knew needed some. It turns out, while speaking to the clerk, there are many elderly people coming in with their  last $20.00 just to buy pellets. The stories I was hearing just broke my heart. 

Maybe if Jake Day were to step away from all the local Bars at night and actually started visiting local businesses and asked them how the ACTUAL economy was going, he and Ernie would get a TRUTHFUL understanding about REALITY. These two remind me of the old snake oil salesmen.

You people need to get your head out of your asses and start representing WE THE PEOPLE. In the mean time, I could use an extra pair of boots if anyone out there can spare it. The BS here in Salisbury is so thick I wore out my old pair in no time at all.


  1. Joe same thing happened to me yesterday at target pharmacy. Aold woman in front of me could not afford the medication for her husband, it broke my heart to watch that lady have to tell the pharmacist that they could not afford that medicine to put it back .

  2. "Salisbury is really not in that bad of a position as indicated in that report,"

    Have you looked around. I drove market street & thought I was at the old Delmar drive-in theater.
    Open your eyes.

  3. "Dr. Memo Diriker says ....." Basically, jobs actually increased in the Delmar to Fruitland area, so screw all the farmers and other towns; they are of no consequence to me anyway.

    Great community support there, "Doctor".


  4. A job creation. Hire people to add or subtract homes to or from an historical zone. Not every home included in such a zone is contributory to historical ambiance & needs to be weeded out.

    Draw new boundaries.

  5. I saw Day and Diriker on the news and couldn't believe my ears, so I turned it off.
    A nice dose of reality would be refreshing instead of the propaganda and lies.
    Diriker should be ashamed of himself.

  6. Speaking of wood pellets, where can I find them? Every place I've been is sold out.

  7. @7:28
    In Dirikers defense why should he care about this area, you all consistently put down the University and say its bad for the community.

    So which is it people? You want the school and its staff to be supportive of the area or do you want them to leave?

  8. 8:05 I have an idea, why don't you move into a neighborhood that has been over run with college rentals and then see what you have to say.
    Or you could simply youtube salisbury university party and see what the neighborhoods get subjected to.
    Oh should we mention that SU doesn't pay the community any taxes either....how supportive is that. Our PD gets to babysit their unruly young and we the taxpayers get to foot the bill.
    What you got?

  9. Cato Oil had pellets a couple of
    days ago, I grabbed a few.

  10. 8:10
    Youtube *insert college name here* party and you're bound to find something for any school.

    Those students spend their money in the community, where do you spend yours?

    Higher education is tax exempt so there goes that argument, want to change that? Then do something about it besides complaining, churches are exempt as well, why do they get the same pass?

    The PD has its hands just as busy with the restless natives, college students are just safer to target because they wont stab or shoot you.

    Thanks for playing!

  11. Dr. Memo has it backwards...people around Salisbury are travelling elsewhere to work, not people from outlying areas working in Salisbury. Just sit on rt 50 in the morning and see everyone headed to the beach areas to work or drive around Fenwick/Dewey/Rehobeth and see all the contractors around. Salisbury is dead. And on another note, why is there no stormwater pond on SU's property? One would think that with all the expansion in recent years there would be a big catch pond somewhere (and if there is one please enlighten me).

  12. Own a house next to church you get bells on sunday, a house next to the fire dept. get fire sirens, house next to university gets students…. move if you don't like it.

  13. 8:21 I can not recall the last time a church had to call for the whole police force to show up and break up a drunken party.

    I can not remember the last time a church congregation decimated a neighborhood

    I can not recall the last time a church member drunkenly drove through a neighbors lawn, or puked and passed out in their grass.

    booyah 8:10

  14. Can we please get back on topic here.

  15. You must not be going to the right churches then…..

  16. 8:23 you are absolutely correct. Dr Memo needs to get out a bit before he starts offering his unexpert advice.

  17. To 8:05 Postng - In support of Memo Diriker

    Response: Mr Diriker might be a nice guy, but isn't it time to bring-in some fresh new blood. If previous economic development attempts keep failing in Wicomico/Salisbury - why don't our county planners try and bring-in some new individuals - that show RESULTS!!! I am tired hearing about the same old plan - and hoping for a different result.

    IT SIMPLY ISN'T WORKING!!! The stats speak for themselves - almost 100 fleeing businesses on our Local Area Business Closure List.

  18. I swear, that Ireton administration will do just about anything to try and erase the paper trail. In my professional opinion, the scent trail leads all the way back to his front door.

    Good article Joe.

  19. @8:29

    Congrats, you focused on one miniscule part of the rebuttal and offered almost nothing to the conversation but not surprising seeing as you were completely shutdown.

    Joe, On-Topic here, you cant just blame Jake, the community as a whole needs to make Salisbury desirable for business. I for one would never open a new businesses here because of the negative attitude everyone around here has.

  20. Maybe what is meant by not that bad is Salisbury is currently the seventh worst economy in the Country, there is still six spots to fall!

  21. I also saw the piece on Salisbury/Wicomico and after Jake Day, SU - Diriker, and Chamber - Earnie Coleburn spoke, I almost threw-up. Who are they kidding - it is an anomaly. The pathetic economic condition is chronic around here. Salisbury/Wicomico didn't make the national news for nothing.

    Now - let's deal with it instead of trying to do a cover up.

  22. 8:39 I do not think the homeowners in the Arbutus neighborhood who moved after 40+ yrs in the same house because of the students consider it a minuscule issue.

    This blindness and the blindness that our government has concerning economic issues, is a huge part of the problem. You can not fix what you do not acknowledge.

    And as long as the media and our elected officials keep sugar coating the problems and sweeping them under the rug, nothing will change.

    Joe and Beezer have done some excellent investigative work on this issue. And they have provided a great service to the community. What is the community going to do about it?

  23. 8:21-you are off base. If in fact the U students were spending "their money in the community" Sby would be flush with money. Don't fool yourself. The minute amount of money the students spend is inconsequential and no where comes close to balancing what the tax payers are footing to support the U.

  24. As long as you have people like 8:39 ignoring the facts nothing will change.

    There are social issues as well and economic issues in this community.

    We have lived in other college communities that didn't have half the housing/social/economic issues they have here.

    There are a lot of small college communities that are also primarily retail, minimum wage communities, just like here.

    When are we going to address the fact that we have a part time government?

  25. I thought the blond reporter, Kelly Rule, did a pretty good job in trying to remain objective. One could tell that she was treading lightly on the business subject as many of WMDT's sponsors might respond negatively.

    However, SBYnews perspective is really more accurate and is more indicative of a failing infrastructure. I agree with a previous poster, the people in area deserve better.

  26. @8:55

    Do you have facts to back this up or are you just guessing? I wish the school would leave, but for reasons different than most of you, they deserve a more supportive community, not one that only focuses on the negative.


    Not ignoring the facts, just offering a different opinion.

  27. If Memo Diriker is such an economic guru, why does Salisbury seek and reach out to students from UM college park for their plan on economic developing and recovery here in Salisbury? Sounds like a bit of sour grapes on behalf of SU.

  28. 9:23 when you have some fact to provide feel free to put it out there, otherwise, its just empty opinions.

  29. Hey Joe - I think Salisbury News is overwhelming WMDT's server because it took forever to download from the link. I'll bet you that WMDT has never experienced this kind of web traffic because of Salisbury News.

  30. That poor Woman unable to afford the medicine for her husband, just across town a dredlock clad Caribbean type was looking to fence his Food Stamp card right inside the front door of the Food Lion on Snow Hill RD-- to me that makes Food Lion culpable in a fraud case--literal Money Launderers

    This is Progressive "Change" all to suit the hubris of the idiot demographic of our culture..

  31. Whats the deal with Salisbury Wicomico Economic Development, Inc? Do they even serve a purpose? What do they do? What is their mission?

    They claim - For more than four and a half decades, Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development has worked to strengthen our local economy through the preservation and creation of productive employment opportunities.

    If that were true, how did we get here? What have they done to improve our local economy?

  32. @9:41,

    Saying students spend money in the community does not need facts to back it up is its not debatable; however, to state what they spend in the community is trivial and of no consequence would require some facts and figures to support that argument. Not a hard concept to follow.

  33. 9:56 oh I get it now, you do not need facts but the rest of us do. thank you for clarify. Any further conversation with you would then be pointless.

  34. @10:04

    Someone is salty they cannot debate like an adult. If you need facts and numbers proving that students spend any money in the community then you are just playing the fool.

  35. 8:39- LOL---Don't kid yourself. Facts are facts and when there is a high unemployment rate, high poverty rate and high foreclosure and short sale rate prospective businesses see this. An attitude hasn't anything to do with lack of business. It's all about the almighty dollar and don't you ever forget it. No one cares a hoot about attitude when there is money flowing and dollars to be made.
    The areas woes are the result of generations of poor leadership who ignored the warning signs and are now using the "negative attitude" excuse because they are clueless as to how to handle the situation.

  36. 10:21, But our elected officials keep comparing us to ROCKVILLE. Go figure!

  37. We have been taxed into poverty.

  38. @10:21, I wont argue with what you're saying but for me personally, an unwelcoming local population would certainly way in to my choice, these are the people who will be my employees and customers after all.

  39. 9:23- Yes I do have facts. Approx 75% of the students receive financial aid not a loan but aid. This means they meet certain requirements, first and foremost, lower family incomes. Well over half receive some type of grant also dependent on financial situations.

  40. Those enrolled in state universities are historically from middle to lower income families. It's why they were created. The benefit to the communities are the jobs the schools themselves produce but there is no way this balances the cost to tax payers. If you were to close the school and divvy the money up that it costs to operate the school among employees they would be getting a very large amount. It's one of those "for each job it produces, it costs the tax payers X amount of money."

  41. @10:30, And the proves they spend a negligible amount in the community how?

    70% of Harvard students receive financial aid as well, are they dead beats too?

  42. @10:43,

    Well put, these people that complain about students don't realize that without higher education there would be even more low income families and individuals dependent on the government due to an inability to acquire higher paying jobs.

  43. Fake Day just like the Homosexual Pansy Mayor have no idea of how to run the City of Salisbury. Nothing they have downtown has benefited anyone. This arts district stuff is a bunch of BS. Putting bike signs on a dangerous highway like US 13 was not a smart idea.The worthless council selling buildings for half of the value such as the fire house. Downtown will become a corlorful rainbow just like Rehoboth.

  44. I am tired hearing about the same old plan - and hoping for a different result.

    IT SIMPLY ISN'T WORKING!!! The stats speak for themselves - almost 100 fleeing businesses on our Local Area Business Closure List.

    February 13, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    That's a sign of insanity.

  45. Well put, these people that complain about students don't realize that without higher education there would be even more low income families and individuals dependent on the government due to an inability to acquire higher paying jobs.

    February 13, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    Which country would they have to go to, to acquire these higher paying jobs?

    Or any job for that matter?

  46. @11:29

    It was a general statement, I know jobs are in short supply right now.

  47. For a small contractor most of the money and work is on the western shore and DC thats where I had to go.

  48. I've told you before --- and it's true ACROSS THE NATION -- your elected "leaders", the one who promised to "change things", have NO choice but to raise taxes, fees, fines, surcharges, levies, etc. because they have spent every dime they can steal from us, and from the next 4 generations.
    ANY economic study shows that the higher the cost of business, the less business there is. But these liberal goons continue to raise the costs. Then tell us (like we can't see) everything is great! Now, its it's so bad that they have to include parts of ANOTHER STATE (!!) to balance the horrible stats. What's next, parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey (you know, the "region")??
    Keep cheering.

  49. It would be nice if the public ever really knew how much criminal activity is kept quiet and "swept under the rug" at Salisbury University. I know because I worked there for a long time.

  50. if everyone on this blog committed to doing something positive for Salisbury this year things would be alot better.
    Please consider doing something positive.

  51. Tell your elected officials to be pro-business and get out of the way.If there is a rule or regulation stopping business from operating here change it asap.

  52. 12:47-Doing "something positive" is pointing out all that is wrong.
    You and others like you, who haven't the guts to confront problems are what have created the problems. It's a terrible mindset to have and causes problems to proliferate until they are out of control.
    You people need to get the hell out of the way and make room for goal driven people who admit and confront the problems head on. That's real leadership.

  53. "70% of Harvard students receive financial aid as well, are they dead beats too?

    February 13, 2014 at 10:44 AM"

    Possibly. One thing is for certain, Cambridge/Middlesex County MA's economy is not fueled by Harvard students. That area differs in that there are many part time job opportunities for the students. I actually know of someone who graduated from Harvard Law in the 80's. She found part time work in Cambridge. Polishing a wealthy family's silver once a week. This gave her the only spending money she had and was something that could be worked around her studies.
    The area already has great wealth due to jobs.

  54. There has been numerous studies done on the economic effect of universities/colleges on the surrounding community and they all conclude that there is little economic benefit when it relates to students. Virtually none from on campus housed students. The biggest impact is from commuter students and that is pretty much limited to money spent on gas because they tend to buy from on campus shops.

  55. 2:43, their tax free status outweighs their spending in the community.

  56. 2:58pm Have you ever heard of a PILOT?

  57. Little Flockers, LOL!

  58. Do the library/MSP buildings pay tax? What about all the churches that don't pay taxes?

  59. 5:30, NO, the MSP and Libraries do not pay taxes. IMHO, Churches should pay taxes. They are no longer run like they used to be back in the 1950's & 60's.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Based on conversations about business I've had with the council member who has common sense (Terry Cohen) I doubt she bought into that hogwash either. But I probably shouldn't speak for her. She has good ideas but what is the point of that when the Ego Bunch doesn't want to listen?

  62. I knew something was brewing today and it is. I had a few brief minutes to check my cell phone internet, and I saw a flurry of comments on this post. Now that I am home on my main frame, I can see why. I swear, if it wasn't for SBYNEWS the public would be still be walking in the dark.

  63. It amazes me that SBYNEWS exposes this story and then the politicians and their cohorts move in to try and perform a cover-up. If you will recall, SBYNEWS broke this national story without any bias what so ever. Then, Jake Day, Coulborn, and Memo Diriker try and 'spin it' citing that Salisbury is not doing bad at all.

    BS, 100% BS. Everyone can look around and see that we are in a depression. I am so tired of these liberal radicals trying to distort the truth. The truth is we are in a severe depression. No if ands or buts about it.


  64. Economic conditions are very tough in many locations; no easy answers anywhere. Those locales on the grow have some existing geographic advantages or provide a favorable economic and governmental climate for new, expanding or relocating employers. We are well positioned geographically to reach major markets, as we were before.

    Our legislature, governor, county executive and recent mayors have basically done zip to actually encourage growth; in fact they have enacted and ordered a wide range of laws and regulations that provide large disincentives to real economic growth. Employers noticed and left, or consolidated elsewhere because conditions there had fewer hurdles.

    Because times are tough the negative effects of their political actions are magnified. The information age means this unpromising employment climate is tougher to hide or obscure.

    Folks who are or have been actual employers and job/product creators need to become more involved in order to displace the professional politician class and to turn the situation around.

    The mayor and his 3 stooges must be banking on acquiring a Choom Gang franchise.

  65. I thought growth was supposed to pay for growth?

  66. I went to A local fast food joint the other day and the kid behind the register handed me a dollar back because I had given him too much. I told him that I didn't know how the company regulations were on such things but I wanted him to keep that dollar for his honesty. PLEASE HELP ONE ANOTHER!!! There is always someone out there that has less than you. In the big picture what did that dollar cost me? If it helped an honest kid struggling to make a living in a drive thru... God Bless.

  67. Anonymous said...
    I thought growth was supposed to pay for growth?

    February 14, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    That's what Bubba Comagees used to preach. He and DingleBarrie Tilmon.

  68. Your kidding me right..Dr.Diriker....The COMMUNITY organizer professor?? What bussines has he run or operated? .just another overeducated moron who does not have a clue how the real world works...


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