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Monday, February 03, 2014

EPA Administrator To Scientists: 'Speak The Truth' On Climate Change As Something Where We ... Can Grow Jobs'

(CNSNews.com) – Gina McCarthy, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asked scientists at a climate change conference on Thursday in Arlington, Va., to explain the science of climate change.

She also said that the EPA looks at climate change as an opportunity to grow the economy and create jobs.

“Scientists, you folks help us understand our world,” McCarthy said at the 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Building Climate Solutions, sponsored by the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). “You help EPA to meet our mission of public health protection and environmental protection.

“I need you now more than ever to speak the truth,” McCarthy said. “I need you to stand up together with us and explain what the science is telling you.



  1. Gina McCarthy is going to hear exactly what she wants to hear no matter what these scientists tell her.
    39% of our electricity is created by coal fired generators. There are no true indicators that coal emissions are fueling global warming yet, Obama and his military version of the EPA are determined to close all of those facilities cutting our electricity output by nearly 40%. With no viable way to replace it. Where are you going to cut that amount of electricity at your house? A/C in the summer? Heat in the winter? Stop buying frozen food? Where?
    Our newly militarized EPA has tasted the power of acting as a military adjunct, and they like it, just like our militarized law enforcement does. So, you can take a chapter from what's happened to police depts across the nation and read it into the EPA. As long as our representatives fail to listen to us, gov't agencies are going to do exactly what they want to and you/we will have absolutely no power to stop them in a non-violent way.

  2. Grow jobs on the backs of the poor and middle class while the rich get richer.Look who's for all this climate change BS,Goldman Sachs,George Soros,Ford Foundation,,Al Gore,Clinton.


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