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Friday, February 14, 2014


The wildly popular Duck Dynasty may be on it’s way out, according to Fox 411. They’re reporting that the A&E network is shopping for a new reality series that also encompasses religious beliefs.

In the 2013 premier 12 million viewers tuned in to watch Phil and Kay Robertson renew their vows in the season opener, whereas this year only about half of that amount watched.

This has led some to believe that with their ratings on the decline A&E is shopping talent to replace the show by finding a cast that would also appeal to their religious base.


  1. I am sick of these liberal tv stations anyway. The Robertsons can be on any station they want to be on.

  2. They don't need A&E.

  3. Love the show but the first shows were better.I know it's all staged but seems more phony now.

  4. People quit watching A&E for their bias and hate towards the Robertsons and the fact that they offer nothing but garbage for the rest of their programming.

    Ditching the Robertsons will finish off A&E, and when the Robertsons make their move to another network, their ratings will double again.

    Good night, A&E...

  5. Robertson's need A&E like Americans need Obamie

  6. It seems A&E has the same brilliant team working on this issue that caused it in the first place.
    Doesn't seem to occur to them that the negative numbers could be from viewers boycotting A&E over their PC choices. It must be that DD has become less appealing.

  7. The numbers dropped because of people like myself who stuck to their promise. I will not watch that show on A&E again.

    I'm not a hunter, I'm not a redneck, (I do drive a truck though) but I do LOVE the underdog and the show was quite entertaining.

    When they switch, this Family will start watching them again. It's kind of like JT's Blog. You LIE, you attack my Family, I cut you off. Haven't been to his site in more than 4 years.

  8. Same with the Olympics. Not watching will not support.

  9. I do not understand what "not watching the Olympics" does.
    That whole toothpaste lie, was simply payback for Putin not going to war. Only one it hurts are the athletes

  10. If A&E would Quit with this rerun crap More people would watch it trouble is they keep rerunning the same shows we've all seen and quite frankly it's getting boring. They fail to realize their own destruction it's not just Duck Dynasty but their other shows as well running the same crap over and over.

  11. I won't watch it again either,but the first horse out of the gate rarely wins the race.Even if the A&E incident had never occurred they would have eventually fizzled.The incident in question merely expedited the process a bit.

  12. Loved the show, but I WILL NOT watch A&E again. Period.


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