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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dick Cheney: Obama “Would Much Rather Spend The Money On Food Stamps Than…Support For Our Troops.”

Barack Obama is just as much of a joke on the international scene as he is in America. Not only is he wrecking the country domestically, he’s decimating the military so we’ll be ineffective abroad as well.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney responded Monday night to the Obama administration’s proposal to cut the U.S. Army to its lowest point since before World War II.

Calling into Fox News’ “Hannity,” Cheney declared the proposed cuts to be “absolutely dangerous” and “just devastating.”

…“The other thing I now for a fact too, Sean, from keeping in touch with some of my old friends that I used to deal with in the Middle East — they no longer have any confidence at all in American security guarantees,” he said. “They’re absolutely convinced that they can no longer trust the United States to keep its commitments — that includes the Israelis, Saudis, a lot of others in that part of the world.”



  1. This has been Obama's plan from the get go. He's a lying Muslim.

  2. Yeah Dick, worried about those Halliburton profits arn't you?

  3. I thing Chaney should take Obama duck hunting!

  4. What Cheney doesn't either know or care is that many Military families depend on food stamps.

  5. Yeah 1:32 since Obama, Bush and Cheney are related and all

  6. 2:08, AMEN! Dick Cheney expressing "concern" for anyone on hard times would be a huge laugh if it wasn't so sick. Men and women died protecting that )*($#)#*'s Halliburton interests in the Middle East.

    He should just keep his mouth shut out of respect for our troops.

  7. I find you people who take Cheney's advice seriously quite funny. 121 hits it right on the head. You think it's just coincidence that under Cheney's watch the US went into all out war in another theater without due diligence, while all the while his buddies back at the corporate office bilked the american tax payer for millions? Sit down pops. You had your chance and we see what we got for it.

  8. Yes, lets listen to Cheyney. We all see now how much of a military strategy genius he turned out to be.

  9. Let's tell the truth. The kenyan king has shown total disdain for the military ever since this socialist he has taken taken office. This kenyan king is a traitor, a coward and basically a person of no honor or code. He is an embarrassment and a threat to this country. Wake up Anerica!

  10. Both men are one world order scum only Dick is correct on this one.

  11. Yet Oblama's Homeland Security is getting bigger and bigger. That throws the odds that when the SHTF, the military, who is on our side, will be out forced by the Homeland Security (who is on Oblama's side).

    fortunately, there will be many local forces joining up with the police, military, and home militia, that the Government troops will be decimated in short notice. There will be a time of uncertainty at the beginning as to who is on whose side, but once decided, the Feds will lose big time!

  12. I wasn't a big fan of VP Cheney. That is, until the current Boy King and the Delaware Idiot took office. They make Cheney look like an absolute statesman.


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