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Thursday, February 20, 2014

DHS Can't Prevent Sale Of Parody Department Seal Designs

A Minnesota man has the right to sell merchandise referring to the Homeland Security Department as the "Department of Homeland Stupidity," the federal government acknowledged in a Feb. 14 lawsuit settlement.

In 2011, DHS and the National Security Agency sent cease-and-desist letters to Zazzle, an online company that facilitates merchandising by setting up a supply chain and online storefronts for affixing custom designs to T-shirts, coffee mugs or other modern bric-a-brac.



  1. Everybody wants honesty, but never wants to hear the truth.

  2. Pity the poor fellow.. Soon the IRS will descend upon him & check his returns for the last 50 years. OR he will be found dead from "Apparent Suicide" or accidental death. That's the way Chicago Politics works. Hitler was a master at that sort of thing.

  3. Maybe DHS can place an order for 100,000 stickers and leave the ammunition alone.

  4. Gonna get mine...probably piss off some facist libtard

  5. I bought one months ago...it is great--says "the only gov't agency that listens, and NSA, peeping while you're sleeping.


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