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Thursday, February 13, 2014

“Delegate McDermott Awarded For Being Business Friendly”

ANNAPOLIS – During the past two legislative sessions, Delegate Michael McDermott was one of the few lawmakers in Annapolis to receive a business friendly score higher than 90% from the Maryland Business for Responsive Government. This February, Delegate McDermott received the John Shaw Award from the non-partisan group Maryland Businesses for Responsive Government (MBRG) in recognition of his business friendly agenda.

I’m extremely grateful for this award, and I’m thankful to be put in this position to try and strengthen the business climate in Maryland,” Delegate McDermott said. “I’m appreciative to be recognized for something I believe in so strongly.”

Of the four other representatives of the Lower Eastern Shore, only one, Delegate Charles Otto, received a rating of more than 90%. Senator James Mathias received the lowest score of the five Lower Eastern Shore representatives at 54%. Delegate Norman Conway was slightly better than Mathias at 56%. Meanwhile, Senator Richard Colburn received an 84% and Delegate Otto received a 93%.

I’m trying vigorously to make this state a more business friendly environment,” Delegate McDermott said. “I’m thankful to receive this award in recognition for my undeterred efforts in support of Maryland businesses.”


  1. love this representative. he has business experience and understands economics and the free market. he has common sense and is a true conservative. he has a great work ethic. he represents us well...

  2. This report tells everything about this election cycle. Mathias is a nice guy, but will do nothing to help MD attract new business. Conway is a nice guy and he actually votes to raise taxes - every tax and fee raised in the past decade he voted yes to. What!!!! Good grief people wake up and realize we hurt ourselves by putting these people back in office. I am a shore democrat who will not vote for those 2 again. I just cannot allow myself to elect those who hurt us, claiming they are helping us. I just cannot.

  3. The following is an e-mail I just sent to McDermott, Mathias, and other MD legislators:

    "Just read the following news below. Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore region is in dire need of businesses/jobs and "Ruled" by many business owners who oppress workers & our area's residents. The oppression has been going on since the period after the Indians were ousted by the white man and "The Good Ol' Boys" took over this region in MD. This Oligarchic form of "CaveManic" domination needs to stay put in Communist regions of the world, not ours.

    Kudos to McDermott regarding the commendable Business-Friendly score he was assessed, while very disappointing & depressing to see how Mathias dismally scored. Being assessed the Lowest score is a discouraging & unacceptable sign indicative of abandonment of our region's residents."

  4. Dems must be retired by "we the people" SOON.


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