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Monday, February 10, 2014

Cruz And Paul Turn Up The Heat On Democratic Establishment

Call Obama out for being a dictator, Clinton for being a sexual predator

Democrats are having a hissy fit over Rand Paul’s comments about former president Bill Clinton, and Ted Cruz’s insistence that the office of the president is becoming dictatorial. Paul said Democrats are hypocritical for saying Republicans are engaged in a “war on women” while at the same time praising the scurrilous Bill Clinton, who had a sordid affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.



  1. Wasn't just Monica, Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, Clinton is a long time liar, a cheater and disrespects his wife and daughter by doing so. The only time Clinton thought women were important was when his zipper was down. I can't believe I voted for him twice. Hillary is nothing but a carpet bagger.

  2. Rand Paul has stones.


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