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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crooks Bust Into House. Mom Warns She Has a Gun. They Say ‘No You Don’t.’ She Changes Their Minds.

After thieves broke into their house about two weeks ago, a Detroit couple installed outdoor security cameras.

Little did they know the cameras — and a loaded rifle — would come in handy so quickly.

The woman was home with her two children Monday night when she heard one of her doors being kicked in.



  1. The only problem I see is this weapon pictured is not a shotgun as the article suggested. I'm quite sure this picture is of a 9mm Highpoint assault rife, look on the pistol grip and you can see the button to release the magazine.

  2. Whatever, 1228, the point has been made. Keeping in the second amendment is paramount, and effective! God bless her!

  3. If she had done that here in Maryland, she would be arrested, she is supposed to retreat! She will be safe also because of Maryland strict gun laws.

  4. Detroit has been ruined by liberals--hopefully they won't come after this woman for having a firearm that may have been accessible to the kids--"oh, wait a minute Mr. Bad Guy, do you mind leaving?" --oh sorry--that is Maryland. Too bad she didn't shoot the bad guys in the butt!


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