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Sunday, February 16, 2014

‘Coward Of An Attorney General’: Murdered Border Patrol Agent’s Brother Shames Holder

The brother of the Border Patrol agent who died during a gunfight with smugglers armed with weapons that were part of the botched Fast and Furious “gun-walking” operation has written a scathing letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding to know when someone will answer for Brian Terry’s blood.

In the letter excerpted by Breitbart.com, Kent Terry is clearly frustrated that after more than four years Holder remains unable – or unwilling – to hold anyone in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms responsible for his brother’s death.

“It is shocking to know that the Attorney General of the United States had no knowledge or was not made aware of Fast and Furious until after the death of my brother, Brian Terry,” Terry writes.



  1. Should be held as Accessory before the fact of MURDER...

  2. holder is a lackey at best; an attorney wannabe. he's deceptive, corrupt and at this point treasonous and should be punished as such...


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