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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Concealed-Weapons Laws Have Changed America Regardless Of National Debate On Gun Control

Over the last 25 years, we have had related national debates over proposed federal gun-control laws designed to restrict access to certain firearms. But only one piece of major legislation has passed Congress, in the 1994 crime bill, and the electoral backlash against many of its supporters in the 1994 midterm elections convinced many Democrats inclined to support such restrictions to try to sidestep the issue.

But Congress and the laws it passes are not the only determinants of facts on the ground. Starting with a Florida law in 1987, most states have passed concealed weapons laws, allowing law-abiding citizens who have had relevant training to obtain licenses to carry concealed weapons. Such laws have been supplemented by court decisions covering a few states since the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Heller v. District of Columbia in 2008, which recognized that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms.

The result has been that over the years the entire nation has become carry-concealed-weapons territory, as shown in a neat graphic in a Volokh Conspiracy blog post by Dave Kopel. Back in 1987, some people, myself included, worried that such laws would lead to frequent shootouts on the streets arising from traffic altercations and the like. That has not happened -- something we can be sure of since the mainstream media would be delighted to headline such events.


  1. An armed society is a polite society, period.It's pretty simple. Gun crimes are not committed by registered gun owners.

    Figure it out, Moms and anti- gunners! Mass killers or single killers use stolen guns with serial numbers ground off.

    Registered gun owners do neither.

  2. Screw the State of Maryland, I plan to carry when ever and where ever I want. I will protect my family and myself from evil. End of story.
    Molon Labe

  3. Mass killers or single killers use stolen guns with serial numbers ground off.

    Registered gun owners do neither.

    February 26, 2014 at 6:22 PM

    not always

  4. 716, you are correct. Many ignorant idiots don't bother to grind off the number. But please tell me the story of the registered gun owners that are out there violently on a killing spree with the guns they legally own.


  5. 7:00 As the liberal/communist governments continue their agenda for elimination of the 2nd admendment to the constitution all of us that are going to keep our guns are going to have to have that mentality. Guess they better have a lot of bullets and new prisons built (come to think of it they do).

  6. In the Dunn incident in Fla,was his gun registered? Don't everybody answer at once.

  7. 8:00 PM

    Since Joe didn't post my original answer to you I will say the Batman movie massacre in Colorado and leave it at that.


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