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Friday, February 14, 2014

Coffee With Your Council


  1. No thanks. Too many on there I have NO respect for.(Especially Matt Holloway) Joe Holloway is the only one really with good common sense!

  2. I wants to talk to Shanie about da crime rate because I thinks we need more Poelice round here. Guns being shot almost everynight now. Crime is terrible and I want to ax her some serious questions.

  3. Oh Boy! Who is going to Chauffeur Jake Day there?

  4. A great idea. I'm going.

  5. 6:46, I believe at the top this says it's city council, not county council. Anyway half of your comment is right (too many on there I have NO respect for) i.e. Day, Shields, Mitchell. Don't really understand why they have these gatherings when they have absolutely no intention of listening to what people honestly have to say. They are still gonna do as they want.

  6. Anonymous said...
    A great idea. I'm going.

    February 14, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    A Jim Liarton and Fake Day Sheeple.


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