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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chicken Tax Is Example Of Soft-Boiled Legislation

For Maryland’s leaders who have often wondered aloud why other states point to us and snicker behind their hands, we have two words for you:

Chicken tax.

Seriously. Really, we’re not kidding here.

OK, the real name is the Poultry Fair Share Act, which lasted all of 30 seconds before being redubbed (the same as happened last year with the “rain tax” er, we mean the “Watershed Protection and Restoration Program”). Apparently, though, advocates counted their chickens before they were hatched.

The legislation intended to levy a 5-cent-per-chicken tax on poultry companies, the resulting $15 million a year to go to Chesapeake Bay cleanup. At issue is the amount of phosphorus in poop produced by the poultry industry.



  1. I vote for a new butt-head tax. All Democrats will have it automatically deducted from their state taxes. Since most of them don't even pay taxes anyway they can have that new experience.

  2. We ought to hold a contest to see who can create the most absurd tax that can be thought of-- then claim a copyright to all of them..

    why should the idiots in Annapolis and here in Salisbury have to even show up for the work week?

    The suggestions will steal their Thunder and they are coming some day anyway.. face it resign yourself to the fact that only parasites work in the State and local Legislatures.

  3. Another job killer.


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