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Monday, February 10, 2014

Catherine Engelbrecht's Testimony At House Of Representatives


  1. Multiply this by a million and you'll be getting close to the size of the corruption in the Democrat controlled government.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 10, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    The truth had been told. We the People just heard the truth and yes, our federal government has failed us miserably.

  3. This will continue as long as Democrats are in power. Anyone who votes for a Democrat does not believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. That's why they wanted Obama in the White House.

  4. Thank you for fighting for us and speaking up. We all agree with what you said. Every word!

  5. Obama Crooked BastardsFebruary 10, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    These bastards are corrupted to the core and we all know it. Time has come for We the People to Stand Up and Do Something About It!!!

  6. the testimonies made last week were nothing short of amazing. I wish Every American Citizen would watch this. these are true patriots...

  7. I've just sent Dr. Andy Harris an email supporting Catherine. You should, too.

  8. 7:59p. did you also write to Cardin and Mikulski as well? No? Why not?

    Because writing to them on a matter such as this would only result in them sending you a condescending letter that makes it look like they are "concerned".

  9. It doesn't matter what occurs at these hearings. They simply take place so that ignorant citizens actually think politicians care. Democrat or Republican, they are all worthless and have failed all working, law abiding citizens.


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