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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Carl Anderton Had A Busy Day Today

  1. The below posts came from Carl Anderton's  facebook and twitter feed.  He has had a long day today fighting for the people here on the shore. 

    • Carl Anderton Jr. On top of the Chicken Tax hearing, tonight was also the filing deadline. It appears that it will be yours truly against Delegate Conway. 
    I'm excited about the opportunity to serve on the state level. With your continued support we will do it! ‪#‎makeithappen‬
    • I just received a call from Mayor Anderton. He's finished testifying and said it went well. He said the last pro-chicken tax person said, "everyone you hear from who opposes this is from big poultry". 

    Mayor Anderton was up next. What he said is pure Carl:

    "I am not from big poultry, but I do like eating the big piece of chicken. I don't know any of these other folks who are signed up to testify, but they look like nice folks."

    My? If the shore truly has 6x more nitrogen than Baltimore why is the Bay remarkably cleaner on the shore than near Baltimore?
  2. The proponents of the clearly have never been to the shore nor seen the Bay.
  3. 6:30pm 5 1/2hrs later and as soon as the deliberation of a proposed .05 plastic bag tax is over the .05 is next.
  4. Just over 5hrs and was told the bill is next! And it is the final bill hearing today
  5. 4 1/2 hrs in and yes, I still believe the bill is next up
  6. Just over 4 hrs waiting for the bill, I believe it is next up
  7. 3 1/2hrs in and I believe we're next. Discussion of fracking going on now.
  8. its better to apply too much pressure than not enough
  9. 3hrs in, we're getting close to the bill hearing.
  10. 2hrs 15min in to the bill hearings, 8 bills finished 4 I believe left to go including
  11. 2 hrs in and still waiting for our bill hearing. I must admit this committee is very thorough.
  12. Sitting with in the Senate committee room waiting to testify about the ramifications of the
  13. Back in Annapolis to testify on the Senate version of the


  1. Was Conway there also? I doubt it.

  2. what happened to the plastic bag tax?

  3. If I use my own bags how do I get my bag tax back?

  4. Small town mayor taking on liberal Annapolis, where was conway? Oh yeah that's right he is a part of liberal Annapolis

  5. Conway? He must have been at an All You Can Eat somewhere in town.

  6. Where is the Daily Times on the issue? You can bet if Norm would have testified he'd have made the front page! It's terrible how we have a good candidate. A gentleman. A good Mayor. And the Daily Times refuses to give anything close to equal press.

    It's not a surprise, but it is shameful just the same!



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