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Saturday, February 08, 2014

Cabinet Secretaries & State Senators VIP Groundbreaking Ceremony


  1. Where is there one working and operating now? Is it a success? Is it cost effective? What are its by-products besides the 26kw of coal smoke from the power plants? Where can we see one working?

    Bottom line, will this be our next WWTP?

  2. I million chickens isn't very much. I have 320,000 on my farm at any one time and at five flocks per year that's 1.6 million...and that's just ONE farm!


  3. Even more useful would be a political BS converter, which would only be one step less wonderful than a political BS preventer!

  4. So all the manure gets burned up what do you fertilize with- nitrogen and phosphrous this is what dealing with liberal idiots is like.


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