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Sunday, February 09, 2014


Republicans have blocked legislation from advancing in the Senate to restore benefits for the long-term unemployed.

It's the second time this year that Democrats have sought to move the bill along, and they say they will try again.

An estimated 1.7 million jobless have been affected by the expiration of a program that once provided up to 47 weeks of federal benefits after state-paid assistance ended, generally after six months.



  1. Good, enough is enough.

  2. Obama will use his pen, his phone and execute executive privilege.

  3. Good! Now maybe they will really start to look for work!

  4. There is no need to extend benefits, Obama said that the recession was over a couple of years ago!

  5. One thing slipping through the radar: There are many seasonal employees out of OC who MD's DLLR has cast out to fend for themselves. At much as 2 quarters of last year's seasonal employees conveniently got deleted as having earned income. This results in those employees not qualifying for fundamental benefits and being pushed out to Federally funded programs (where there is no funding) in the form of extensions. These people know who they are. They have letters telling them that they are MONETARILY INELIGIBLE. Fact is, they ARE and they only need to be contested.

  6. Obamacare will create jobs....NOT...

  7. Good! Make them entitlement whores look for a job. If the open the classifieds they will find businesses are hiring. Most people that say no where is hiring is because they haven't look for work in the right places. Unemployment whores only log in places they pretended to look for a job or places they know aren't hiring.

  8. If a person worked for many years and paid into the UE fund and is unemployed due to no fault of their own, should they not be entitled to get the benefits they paid for? If you worked under the table and did not pay into the UE fund and get no benefits then so be it.

  9. 10:25
    Employees do not pay into the UE fund at all. The company has to buy UE insurance. Similar to car insurance. The more employees that are unemployed from the company the higher the premium they have to pay. That is why many companies will try to protest the employee getting unemployment. It makes their rate go up.

  10. Wow I am flabbergasted by the totally uninformed and ignorant comments.

    11:05 Employers do not "buy" unemployment insurance. They pay the state a formulated amount based on their experience ratio. They only pay on the first $8,500 in wages they pay per employee in wages. It can cost anywhere between $85-$900 per employee. The average is about $250/$300 per employee per year.

    7:57 Umemployment whores.... wow, nice term. Especially after Joe has so nicely informed us of the economic and labor environment in this county.

    $430 a week - that is the maximum you make here in Maryland, on unemployment. That equates to below poverty per published guidelines.

    Yea I am sure those unemployment whores are delighted to live in poverty, because they can not find a job, that pays a livable wage here in the county. Or two jobs just so that they can keep their heads above water.

    It is always so nice to read such lovely comments where the posters so openly wish bad things for their neighbors, friends and families.

    Too bad you do not have to pass an IQ test before you make a fool of yourself online. Oh yea - as Anonymous.........

  11. Of that $430 you also have to pay state and federal taxes at the end of the year.

    Any unemployment money received on the current extension was reduced by 22% due to the sequester, meaning they were only getting $335 a week.

    Not exactly a windfall.

  12. Give it a rest, Annie. I sympathize with anyone who can't find work. But recognize that there have been multiple posters to this board who have made the statement that they might go back to work if the Min Wage is raised, but they aren't working for current pay scales. I don't wish to paint with too broad a brush, but don't imply that abuse isn't happening.

  13. I don't usually agree with Annie, but, this time she hit the nail on the head! Trying being 58 yr. old male, displaced due to cut back!! Don't know if that makes me a whore or not, but, the forms and phone calls and the pleading with government agencies' trying to figure out how to get any assistance is a JOKE! On hold, press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 good grief...its crazy.


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