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Monday, February 24, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Longest-Serving Member Of Congress To Retire

Rep. John Dingell , D-Mich., the longest-serving member of Congress, to retire at the end of his term.

From Fox News


  1. They're all starting to realize that the Democrat way of life will be coming to an end......

  2. Must have had a visit from one of Ob's Czars..

  3. Wonder if he will be found as a "suicide" or an "accident". Dead men tell no tails.

  4. This is nothing to celebrate. The problem with this country is the career politicians. He was a continuation of his father like the Kennedy's. In the early days of this country, public service was only supposed to be a temporary thing like serving in the Military. They served their time and then went back to their farms or former careers. The fact he served as long as he did is a tragedy and nothing at all to celebrate.

  5. One less ROD to worry about. Retired on Duty.


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