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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Blue Island Cop Uses Stun Gun On Accident Victim

(CBS) – A Blue Island police officer used a stun gun on the victim of a hit-and-run crash, and the victim says the incident changed his life forever.

CBS 2′s Marissa Bailey reports on allegations of excessive force

Donald Flores needed help after a June 2012 hit-and-run incident. Instead, he says, police caused him further injury.

“I just wanted to go home to basically die, where I felt more at peace,” Flores says



  1. That Cop is a masochist just like many that wear the uniform today. They are determined to exercise their machismo in every situation.
    Most are revenge driven and nothing more than state revenue collectors the rest are murderers and thugs.
    People will start to shoot first and be judged by 12 rather than be carried by 6.
    Payback will be trouble for them and their "support" structure.

  2. So Flores begins yelling at police that are trying to help him, then assaults a police officer? Flores can't understand why he was tased? Give me a break. Extremely biased and poorly written headline. It should read "man tased after assaulting cop"

  3. it's called a citizen review panel every police force should have one! and not just a rubber stamp but one that would actually weed out bad cops! Maybe just maybe then the public will start to trust the police again!

  4. 3:41am you must be a cop or just a idiot! A person suffering after an accident like that is in shock and sometimes not able to control themselves when approached with force such as this inconsiderate self centered police officer. After many years in emergency services and dealing with the public I've seen cases where injured folks are combative and they never knew they were acting out the way they were. Cases like this go to show that the majority of law enforcement officers these days are complete BULLIES and JERKS. The older generation of law enforcement officers handled situations much different than today's supposed officers and were much more polite where as today's cops think being RUDE gains them higher ground when in fact it only escalates most situations! I for one am in hopes this guy wins his case and wins it BIG!

  5. So it's ok to assault another person? Let alone a cop? Excellent and correct use of the taser. Flores is clearly trying to get paid for being at fault.

  6. 8:04 Ding Ding Ding. But, no doubt people won't read, and just come to bash cops. Pathetic.

  7. Maybe you cops and cop lovers need to read the story and COMPREHEND what you read.

    Flores’ attorney, Tim Fiscella, says his client was incapable of harming anyone because he had the disability and he had been injured from the crash that night.
    There are also questions about how the police department handled this case. When Bailey asked Ward what kind of internal investigation was done after the incident, he answered: “There was no additional investigation.”
    CBS 2 called a handful of other police departments, including Chicago, and each requires an internal review after the use of a stun gun, to make sure it is justified.
    Sources tell CBS 2 Blue Island police did not follow their own policy of documenting the use of force — a step that would’ve triggered an internal investigation. Ward did not return CBS 2′s calls about this detail.
    On the night of the incident, police officers arrested and charged Flores with resisting arrest, battery and assault, but Flores was cleared of all charges. He is now suing the Blue Island Police Department and is hoping they re-examine their stun-gun policies.
    Flores says this whole experience has scarred him. “I break down a lot,” he says.

  8. So this guys assaults a cop after becoming belligerent with them and gets tased for it. What's the problem again? Who cares that he was an initial victim of a crash, doesn't give him the right to assault anyone.

  9. 11:19 no proof he assaulted the cops. Only the cop's word that he was assaulted. And I believe the cop cause we all know a cop would never ever lie about anything! right?
    especially after beating someone senseless for no good reason!!

  10. 11:19 AM

    see 955 comment.

  11. Flores admitted to shoving the cop.


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