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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Black Residents Reject Trader Joe’s Because It Would Attract Too Many White People

The Trader Joe’s grocery chain has withdrawn plans to build a store in the heart of a predominantly black neighborhood after a black leadership group fought the move.

The Portland Development Commission was set to give the grocer a large discount on property that had been vacant for years, pricing it at just over $500,000, down from an appraised value of $2.9 million, according to The Oregonian.

The Portland African American Leadership Forum sent a scathing letter in December to city leaders, saying the plan would price residents out of the area and the group“remains opposed to any development in North/Northeast Portland that does not primarily benefit the black community.”

Trader Joe’s would increase displacement of low-income residents and “increase the desirability of the neighborhood,” for “non-oppressed populations,” PAALF wrote.



  1. We don wont no crackers on our town , da bad peoples , mak us mov

  2. Can you imagine if whitey protested because they didn't want a basketball court or a watermelon stand because it attracted blacks. This country is ruined and a white man doesn't have a chance.

  3. maybe trader joes should have gone into the old fire house to bring business downtown

  4. I personally love shopping at Trader Joe's. My wife and I usually travel at least once a month from Salisbury to Annapolis to shop there. The prices are cheaper than the local grocery stores and everything they sell is natural with no preservatives. The juices contain no artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup. I truly wish there was one here in Salisbury. There is very little choice here in Salisbury. It's either Food Lion or Giant or if you want packaged foods, Walmart.

  5. The problem for the black community is the fact that Trader Joes will need employees and that community is short on people that want to work. Why should they work when they get housing, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, etc. DUH!!

    Do away with entitlements and you will see a more prosperous United States of America.

  6. 644 so whites don't enjoy bball or eat watermelon? Sounds like you just showed who the real racist is.

    Something tells me there is alot more behind the story. Guarantee some digging will find that someone well connected in this group likely already had their eyes on this property. The race angle is just a convenient excuse.

  7. It would also create jobs. Can't have jobs waiting for black folks. Welfare!

  8. 7:08 commenter 6:44 made a comparison statement, I do not find that racist. Sorry you felt your comment did not stand on its own merit without having to bash someone else. Both comments had value, you diminished yours.

  9. Racism is a 1 way street, blacks can not be racist.

  10. 9:25
    You are partially correct since you resorted to stereotype. The reality is, and this is where you are correct, the racial divide is promoted by blacks in 'Black Leadership' as well as white political Progressives who keep the white/black mantra alive for self serving economic and power gain. It is even more distressing when we have the elected leader in our country who also promotes racial tension.
    So sad since many of us have grown so tired of this that we don't even care any more.

  11. I've contended for a long time the objective of the Welfare State is to keep the Blacks secularized and oppressed in their own undesirable neighborhood where they can live unseen, uncontrolled, and unaccounted for. Introducing a class operation like Trader Joe's, that would offer jobs and a chance to be lifted out of oppression is certainly not what black leaders want. Just the handout please.

  12. Pisses me off that Trader Joes wants to open a store in the ghetto but they won't open one in Salisbury. Screw them

  13. If Trader Joe's had a Pharmacy we would surely have one by now.

  14. 9:25
    are you saying only Whites are racist ?

  15. wow, wish i could complain publicly with no threat of losing my job about all the black people that make salisbury so bad.

  16. 2:14
    It seems to me that both are the same….maybe you will get a Trader Joe's after all.

  17. Anonymous said...
    are you saying only Whites are racist ?

    February 10, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    I believe that is what he said.

  18. 8:58 PM - You are welcome

  19. True,white people can mess up a soup sandwich.

  20. Non-oppressed populations? I'm a middle aged, self employed white guy and I feel oppressed by a government that takes my hard earned money away from me and hands it over to people who will not work.
    So I guess there are really very few non-oppressed people.

  21. They should change their name anyway. I went in there with a box of old CD's and tried to bargain for some apples..BUT NOOOOO . They oughta be called Seller Joe's


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