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Friday, February 28, 2014

Black Pastor: Obama ‘Has Done More To Hurt The American People Than Any Other President’

(CNSNews.com) – During a press conference on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., to announce a signature campaign to impeach U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Rev. Bill Owens said President Barack Obama has “hurt the American people.” “We’re on a downward road,” Owens, who is founder and president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), said at the event at the National Press Club. “And this president has done more to hurt the American people than any president, as I see it, in my lifetime and in history.”

Owens cited Holder’s “repeated lawlessness” of disregarding state laws and the Constitution.

“What we have in Attorney General Holder is a man so political in his zeal to redefine marriage that he is willing to run roughshod over the rulings of the Supreme Court, binging federal law, and the United States Constitution along with the constitutions of a majority of states,” Owens said in a statement distributed at the press conference.



  1. If bush had tried any of the crap these jokers have gotten away with he would have been impeached.

  2. Another idiot sceaming for attention.

  3. 1:56 I guess the other idiot you're referring to is Obama?

  4. It's is true, obama has done more to hurt the American people (esp African Americans) than any other president. Whoever doesn't know this is either dishonest, unprincipled and deceiving or grossly uninformed. There is no debating this.

  5. 1:56 must not be a dem because he told the truth ... Oblabba is an idiot

  6. "Anonymous said...
    Another idiot sceaming for attention.

    February 28, 2014 at 1:56 PM"

    Oh Boy! Nothing burns you liberals up more than a black man who speaks the truth! You liberals would rather keep the African American community in chains. You people see them as nothing more than slaves who when you all see fit, you throw them a bone in the form of an entitlement, to keep them voting democrat. The shame of the matter is that the AA community for the most part can't figure out what everyone else sees.
    Throw them another bone! Shut them up for awhile longer, like Obama's latest farce, this new program intended to help blacks and other minorities called "My Brothers Keeper."
    The program will cost a ton of money, have little or no results other than employment for more government workers overseeing it.

  7. I want to see this plastered on WBOC WDMT The Daily Times show a pair you losers...try that nonlocal story...should be talking points all the talk show circuits.... this man is evil and needs to be stopped it's finally appeared to the informed god fearing intellegent people of the black race they have made a big mistake only the fools ..marxists and leeches still trust him

  8. If Obama has done so much harm,why did Old Man River vote for him? That's this pastors nick name.


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