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Friday, February 14, 2014


EASTON – Every day at 4:30 a.m. and again 12 hours later, Eric and Holly Foster round up all 60 of their brown and white Jersey cows at Chapel’s Country Creamery in Easton to milk them.

Most of the milk goes to a tank, to be collected later by a co-op and pasteurized. The rest is used in the Foster’s cheese and yogurt products, and a small portion of the milk is stored in their fridge to drink.

The raw milk, which is straight from a cow’s udder and unprocessed, is stored in a gallon-sized glass bottle. A layer of cream sits atop the milk, and requires a slight shake before drinking. The Fosters and their four children regularly drink the milk in their country-themed kitchen.

“I grew up on a dairy farm as a kid. We drank milk right out of our tank,” Eric Foster said.


  1. Ain't no more dangerous than eaten them oysters raw...

  2. Sounds like there are going to be a lot of illnesses in Maryland's future.

  3. I doubt that 1:53. This is the type of milk human bodies were intended to drink. The crap you buy in grocery stores is what cause people to get sick. Nothing like drinking the chemical laced stuff to promote growth of cancer and other illnesses most of which were never even around a 100 years ago.

  4. bull crap 1:53. great decision to bring back...period.

  5. I know a guy who drinks a pint of the strongest Wild Turkey a day with a chaser.He happens to be 98.I also know people in their 80's who smoke heavily.My point is that people can adapt to eating or drinking almost anything if that's how they choose to live.

  6. I hope this bill is passed! We drive up to PA to get ours now! The store bought milk makes me very sick but raw milk doesn't.

  7. Anonymous said...
    I doubt that 1:53. This is the type of milk human bodies were intended to drink. The crap you buy in grocery stores is what cause people to get sick. Nothing like drinking the chemical laced stuff to promote growth of cancer and other illnesses most of which were never even around a 100 years ago.

    February 14, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    You obviously don't know a thing about biological sciences and bacteria. Good luck dumbo. You to 4:29 PM.

  8. 11:57, or is it Mr. Genius? That would be "you, too". Guess they didn't cover spelling in your grad studies in Biological Sciences.

    Give me grass fed beef and natural foods anytime. It just plain tastes better and makes me feel like I actually ate/ drank something.

  9. I hope all you raw milk drinkers get real sick and die! Or better yet you get that brain worm that lives in unpasteurized milk and die a truly agonizing painful slow death!

  10. I grew up on a dairy farm and drank milk right out of the cow while we were milking the cows every evening. I am now almost 60.....and guess what I am still alive!

  11. 2:31-According to my wife I'm brainless so I'll be OK.Thanks anyway for the kind words.


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