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Monday, February 10, 2014

Ben Carson: Obama Officials ‘Acting Like Gestapo’

'We're dealing with an extremely corrupt administration'

– Dr. Ben Carson, the brain surgeon turned popular political analyst, told WND Obama administration officials are “acting like the Gestapo” with the Justice Department indictment of Dinesh D’Souza coupled with the Internal Revenue Service’s political targeting of the administration’s critics.

“I believe we are dealing with an extremely corrupt administration,” he said.

Dr. Carson himself became the subject of an IRS audit after criticizing Barack Obama’s policies at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington last year.

“I’ve always been someone who has been very careful about my finances and the way I take care of my business,” said Dr. Carson. “I’ve never undergone this kind of scrutiny before, but then it comes after the prayer breakfast. They’re harassing my family. They’re harassing my colleagues. And they’re not finding anything – so that just makes them dig a little deeper.”



  1. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 10, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Dr.Carson is more qualified to run healthcare than any member of this Crooked Administration. The man of character, high morals. wisdom and leadership, the true role model for any American. Nothing like the Arogant Narcissist Liar in the White House.

  2. Does'nt he have someone to operate on?

  3. How about your head?

  4. 4:49-No disrespect,but if a person is not running FOR something they are running FROM something.My point is that Carson needs to run for a political office of some sort.

  5. We all know this although it's wonderful to hear it from someone such as Dr. Carson. But, what are we going to do about it? Less talk, more action. If someone, some entity or group would just stand up and lead.
    Catherine Engelbrecht comes immediately to mind. She speaks for many, many thousands, perhaps millions, of Americans and I intend to become involved with her group/s.

  6. Africans Americans would benefit immensely from listening and taking the advice of Dr Ben Carson. Unfortunately they would rather be dragged along by the likes of lying ghetto hustlers like obama. This is why they rate the lowest among all the social ills there are. This is why their neighborhood are overwhelmingly cesspools of crime and poverty. This is why their young men are killing each other in record numbers.

  7. 6:14 Not dissing you but when asked about presidential aspirations Ben does not deny it. Ben for Prez!


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