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Monday, February 10, 2014

Armed Mundanes

Most gun owners are familiar with the maxim “Gun registration is a prelude to confiscation.” Relatively few understand the role of gun registration in threat assessments used to justify paramilitary police raids.

Last Thursday (January 30), Police in Ankeny, Iowa deployed a 12-member SWAT team in full battle array to execute a warrant in an investigation of alleged credit card fraud. The invasion pf Sally Prince’s home was captured on camera, despite the efforts of at least two of the jackbooted marauders to destroy the home security cameras used to record their crime.

One member of the household, Justin Ross, was in the bathroom when one of the raiders arrived. When one of them tried and failed to kick in the door, Ross reached for his handgun. After he heard one of the intruders identify himself as a police officer, Ross – a military veteran who has a firearms permit – re-holstered his gun and sat down with his hands in plain sight. If the overconfident and inept SWAT operator had succeeded in kicking in the bathroom door on the first attempt, Ross would have been murdered.



  1. I just want to know, when are people going to stop allowing this and demand that our government do something about the police state they created in 2002? Report after report after report of militaristic police breaking law after law after law and.., making up the rules as they go along.
    Shooting people's pets, murdering ink pen wielding wheelchair bound double amputees, ransacking houses and automobiles for kicks it goes on and on. A flippin' SWAT team for credit card fraud (they might have a gun there) for crying out loud?
    Is this what our sheriff Lewis is teaching around the country, Joe?

  2. wicomico county has a swat team and i have talked to a few of its members and their mentalityis just the same as the incidence shown here and unfortuately those officers don't think they are part of a police state but that is exactly what is happening. sherrif lewis is the main reason for that type of thinking. we can not allow this to happen in america.


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