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Friday, February 14, 2014

An Answer To A Rejected Comment

"Shooting in Fruitland this morning. Why do I even check this site for actual local news? Smh"

WE DO NOT PUBLISH SUICIDES. But you're welcome to go elsewhere. 


  1. Seriously? A dozen cop cars and police tape IS enough to have the community looking for information. There are very simple ways to explain what happened while illustrating the public is not in harm.

  2. 1:34, IF at ANY point the public was in harm, we would have brought that information forward. In this case, the public was in no danger and guess what, you obviously had plenty of Officers there just in case there might have been an issue. So, go cry somewhere else. This is a FREE Website in which WE dedicate more hours to each and every day then you'd ever DREAM of working on a daily basis. If you don't like it you are welcome to go to our complaint department. It's on the home page and has a big red "X" in the top right hand corner. Just click on that one time and you'll get an instant message.

  3. Thanks Joe, I am sure that the family members are going thru enough and it doesn't need media attention.

  4. Joe, the fact that there were so many cops there makes it a situation where the public truly was in danger. Any one of them could have "feared for their life" and murdered someone for walking by.


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