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Monday, February 17, 2014

A Presidents' Day Reminder Of Why We Must Fight

What if they had given up?

It is coincidental that I was inspired to write a commentary about not giving up on Presidents Day, which remembers George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. If either of them had given up during the toughest times of their presidencies, then we would not be here today. And where we are, just to be clear, is standing as a free nation united, but losing our freedoms and becoming more divided every day.

The good news is that the fat lady has not sung. (A note for our hypersensitive friends: This is a metaphor referring to how some operas end their grand finale, and is not as an insult to fat ladies. In fact, the reason they are singing the finale is that they must be one of the best singers in the cast.)

Stated another way, and paraphrasing a popular biblical passage, "As for me and my house, we will fight." My house refers to everybody who is not ready to surrender to the political class.



  1. The world wants to take our freedom away so we will be just like them.

  2. It's starting to come around now , it won't be long folks . I love it , 5 years too late , but it's time.


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