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Saturday, February 01, 2014

A Message From Dan Bongino

Daniel Bongino
I have some great news to share. Thanks to you all, we shocked the Maryland political elites by mobilizing our grassroots following and out fundraising nearly every sitting Congressman in Maryland, including my multi-millionaire opponent.

Even more incredible, we received more in individual donations than my wealthy, and connected, opponent received in total. This was all thanks to you because although our donations, on average, were relatively small, they were numerous.

I simply do not have the words to express my profound gratitude for your continued support. You can, and have, made a difference. More importantly, you sent a message, that the days of connected insiders and political party elites shoving their elitist candidates and distorted messages down our throats are over.


  1. OATH KEEPER MEMBER.../ Tea Party supporterFebruary 1, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    You have my vote SIR!!!

  2. Looking back, my wife received MORE votes per dollar contributed when she ran for a seat with the Anne Arundel Delegates in MD. She even did the "debate" routine. but it did not matter. On the other hand, I personally committed (and followed up) when Mike Castle turned LEFT against his voter base when he supported the carbon bull$hit.

  3. old time conservative has my vote and my husband's vote...

  4. This man only yelps to the masses in his aspiration to be an elected official. He is totally devoid of any original idea. Besides being an order follower in his service to this country he has done NOTHING to merrit any vote from anyone. How has he led? What has he accomplished from being an unemployable schlep?

  5. If you are from the shore, we can't vote for him. He's running for the 6th Congressional seat, currently held by a democrat. The district encompasses the panhandle area of MD. It was held (for many years) up until the last election by Roscoe Barlett a republican.

  6. Sorry 117AM You are way off base. I had a chance to speak with Mr. Bongino a few months ago and then watched him on the Kelly File. He has my vote and after listening to his Secret Service life, he has a lot going for him. Could it be you voted for Obama 117AM?


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