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Friday, February 14, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: PRMC Security


I hear PRMC had to bring all their security officers back on the job. 

Turns out the process they used to terminate them all was illegal! 

Guess we won't see this on any msm. Makes you wonder who their legal firm is.


  1. I think the members of the Cath Lab need a lawyer. For years now, they have been subjected to one on one meetings with Craig Koppenhaver and it always results in someone getting fired. All because certain people have it out for others. They have lost many good and valuable employees this way. Very sad.

  2. Craig Koppenhaver is the one who should be fired@ He is useless and ineffective as a manager. But......then again they are the kind of people PRMC management is full of so they keep them

  3. Sounds about right. I recieved a letter from Daniel J. Mullvanny, VP, General Counsel PRMC stating that my compliant had been investigated internally and found to be in compliance with procedure. Funny thing is I NEVER filed a compliant? Just goes to show that from the CEO down PRMC is run like a well running Rubberband airplane. I hope this cost them dearly

  4. Maybe you were fired for making too many "compliants."

  5. Lol......I wasn't employed there ahole...a family member was a patient.....that's ok since you abviously are you should know what I'm talking about!

  6. The reason why everyone who has a private meeting with Craig Koppenhaver get fired is because he's PRMC's Bag Man. Don't worry, I had a meeting with him and he made a pass at me, which I refused. He then wiped out his yellow notebook and told me to write a resignation letter because PRMC doesn't fire people, so they don't have to pay unemployment. Well the joke was on them. I wrote in code "I'm being forced to write this" into my "resignation" letter. I applied for for benefits and brought a CRYPTOLOGIST and lawyer with me who pointed it out. PRMC didn't have a leg to stand on, and the rest can't be discussed per my settlement.

  7. 10:28 - sounds like you have already violated your settlement. May have seemed clever to you but I doubt your "code" had anything to do with the outcome.

    Very sad how the security team was handled. Wonderful people, and Alonzo Tull is a true gentleman, who represents what PRMC was in the past (when Alan was there), but not what PRMC has become. If facts square with original post -- the (in)competence and motivation behind these decisions really is disturbing.

  8. It's a nasty dirty hospital.


  10. Joe this is a big story. Maybe needs a bump to the top. I was sure by end of Fri after PRMC employees got home there would be more comments. At least to confirm or deny this report. Maybe they are too scared to post which is too bad. What do you think?

  11. Just like everything else at PRMC the security issue was handled poorly. The management is the worst that it has ever been and on a daily basis most staff leave the hospital in tears. When the management find out about it they respond by saying we don't want to hear about that. About 6 months ago the staff at PRMC was asked to take a survey about how they feel about the hospital and our current Chief Nursing Officer. Funny how only a few people were privy to this information since her approval rating was below 35% which is HORRIBLE. The staff is just waiting everyday for this dictatorship to be overthrown by someone who actually use evidence based research to make decisions and who actually care more about the patients and staff then climbing the ladder.

  12. I am on the hospital's Coordinating Council and the survey results were discussed openly and copies were sent to my boss. We were encouraged to talk about the scores and she asked how she can improve and some things have changed. My unit has discussed. Many are upset about the LPN's, TCU, some people seemed catty and jealous of her success and feel like she took Karen's job away from her. In terms of evidence, I think that is what our CNO is using, and that is part of the issues.

  13. Mary Beth Damigo came to our staff meeting and told us all about the scores good and bad. She said that her points were low and said the scores were what she would give herself in her first year. At least she didnt lie or blame like what I am used to. I got a raise this year from her so I am good. I came from a nursing home, people around here dont know what they dont know. I think Ms.Peggy and Ms. Damigo do the best they are able in bad times like today,

  14. Security guards should unionize....

  15. The ED loves our CNO. Pt care always comes first. I see the green eyed monster coming out.


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