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Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: FF Grocery Shopping Today 4PM, Giant

This is where we park the fire truck when we are doing our personal shopping.

Saw him in the store, nothing in his hands, standing around talking to a friend, didn't think much about it until I left and saw this.


  1. Trying to hide from you Joe...lol.

  2. When will using fire trucks for personal errands be dealt with? In Wicomico County, maybe never. The attitude of some officials seems to be...So What...or there is always an excuse.

  3. Get a life. Go feed the hungry. Do something worthwhile and stop whining.

  4. No one is whining here - what a waste of fuel for someone who thinks they can just continually rip off the residents of this city/county by doing such nonsense as this. Use your own damn vehicle and fuel to run your errands - enough is enough already.

  5. I'd rather have my firefighter ready with his truck that worry about a few dollars worth of gas. I agree. Stop whining. What a bunch of babies.

  6. Nice of him not to block anything.

  7. Maybe he'll be one of the ones fired when the money runs out! Then he can use his own POS truck!

  8. 2:02
    Sorry I don't have money to feed the hungry. I spend to much paying taxes to give any away. Meanwhile the people that I have to pay their salary are able to shop at higher end grocery stores while using my tax dollars to get there. Mind if I borrow your car next week to get back and forth to work?

  9. How do we know that they were not coming back from a call or went out to refuel. you all bitch about these guys at a restaurant with the truck and tell them to buy meals and use that expensive kitchen then you botch when they do. how about you all that botch about the high fuel prices bring them lunch in your fuel efficient vehicle. actually thank them for doing the job that is as difficult as theirs is.

  10. Big red chick magnet.

  11. 4:03 that is easy to determine.

    Just have a look at the official log books, if they'll let you.

    My guess is they won't let you, however. Maybe a FOIA request is in order?

  12. I agree get a life

  13. They keep barking and talking smack at the citizens and they are going to lose their Drunk Driving privileges too-- they think they are bullet proof but can be easily replaced with people Barrie Tighlmann is long gone and this is 2014..

  14. 4:03 Of course the job can be difficult. If the pay is not enough compensation then they are free to print a resume and go someplace where it is.

    Use your own vehicles instead of a truck that the EPA numbers are less than 1/4 the acceptable range.

    Next thing we'll be reading they need another half million for new equipment.

  15. 4:03 I was not aware that they sold fuel at Giant.

    2:54 I am not sure that one FF in an emergency call would be considered prepared. Are the other guys going to meet him at the fire or does he have to run back to the station to fetch the rest of the crew?

  16. People need to get a life! FF/paramedics often eat many meals at the station and try to keep food on hand in the kitchen. Would you rather them take their personal vehicle to get some food and then have a delayed response time to your house fire, car accident or cardiac arrest? In the end it doesn't matter what they do it will never please the people of the city. There are more important things in life to complain about. Instead complain about all the crack whores who are soaking up the welfare and disability!

  17. 7:59; it is EVERYDAY that they are at these stores!

  18. ok think about it....unless the whole crew is there what good is a guy and a truck!!!! in fact IF that truck is needed to transport the crew wouldn't it delay things if bubba had to swing by and pick the boys up?

  19. They are clearly hiding the fire truck from the public and I thank the photog for sending in the picture. This is on the North end of the building and easier to fly under the radar screen then when they used to pompously park in front in the fire lanes.

    If they have time for shopping every day then we obviously don't need the paid fire crews that we have.

    But don't worry, there was a second paid fire crew sitting at the station covering calls for that fire engine crew. That's right there are 2 paid fire crews on at Station 16 every night and weekend. They also have a paid fire crew at Stations 1 and 2 every day of the week. All of those paid firemen chasing ambulance calls and sleeping on your time and money. Looking at the call logs it's obvious the ambulance crews are running their butts off while these guys have the gravy jobs.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I'd rather have my firefighter ready with his truck that worry about a few dollars worth of gas. I agree. Stop whining. What a bunch of babies.

    February 17, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    Code words for paid fireman trying to justify his job and damage control.

    I challenge you to sign your name on this post to prove you are a city resident or city tax payer.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I agree get a life

    February 17, 2014 at 4:19 PM

    I agree... you get a life and get a real job. The majority of the paid firemen in Salisbury were hired after they scraped the bottom of the bucket. All the real firefighters have paid jobs in Ocean City or one of the bigger counties across the bridge like Anne Arundel County Fire Department.

  22. Anonymous said...
    People need to get a life! FF/paramedics often eat many meals at the station and try to keep food on hand in the kitchen. Would you rather them take their personal vehicle to get some food and then have a delayed response time to your house fire, car accident or cardiac arrest? In the end it doesn't matter what they do it will never please the people of the city. There are more important things in life to complain about. Instead complain about all the crack whores who are soaking up the welfare and disability!

    February 17, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    No Mr. Paid Fireman I would rather they appoint someone on the shift to do their shopping the night before the come to work on their cushy 24 hour shift. You see not to long ago they invented these things called refrigerators and they keep food cold until you need them. They could also drop the food off at the Taj Mahal Cafeteria and put them in their supersized stainless steel commercial refrigerator until they arrive at their cushy paid jobs. Better yet bag your peanut butter sandwiches and we won't have to worry about you using our gas commercial stoves and ovens.

  23. Anonymous said...
    7:59; it is EVERYDAY that they are at these stores!

    February 17, 2014 at 8:18 PM


    So yes!!

  24. No wonder the City needs to tax rain. With this type of overspending, they will need to tax the wind as well.

    Send out a scout in a pickup to do the shopping. I shop all by myself for the whole family all the time.

    And when I go out to a restaurant, it's on my time in my own vehicle.

  25. First, those of you who know they are at the store everyday.... Really? Are you there everyday to see them? And to you, 12:28, I'm not signing my name, but I am a grandmother who pays every cent of my taxes without help from anyone. You aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.

  26. Friday February, 14 2014 @ 18:49:23Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
    Friday February, 14 2014 @ 14:54:19Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury

    Plenty of time between 3PM and 6PM to do shopping at Giant.

    - photog

  27. James Howard citizen of salisburyFebruary 18, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    ANONYMOUS POSTERS. you all all a bunch of COWARDS!

  28. i can not watch this attack on the paid firemen and women. they come when you call and you all complain when they do things while on duty. you all are the worst. maybe one day all of you will need an ambulance or fire truck and they will be on a non sense call that someone calls for and you will get the volunteers. i have seen them in actions and hope i never do again. my husband of 45 years had a heart attack and the volunteers showed up from station 2 with sirens whaling and did nothing for my husband, just told me the ambulance was on the way. the people i saw were no help at all. thank goodness the ambulance got the in about 3 minutes. i pray every night that my husband is alive.


  29. Mary, and we'll get what we PAY for. Our TAXES pay their salaries and they are HIRED to do that job. Come on now.

  30. joe you are a miserable person, you attack all the public service people and have no remorse. i pray the day you need help and it doesnt come, whether it is md, or deleware. what ever state you are in now, i see why you did not get mayor and thank the lord for that!

  31. Mary, ANY person who wishes such things on another human being deserves to rot in hell. I also hope that whomever you are close to as a paid firefighter gets fired immediately as we as a community do ot need scumbags like your kind anywhere near caring for people in need. You clearly prove your kind are ONLY there for the money.

  32. This is really no different than a rec and parks pick up parked at the wine and spirits store on naylor mill road behind the mall.

  33. To all of those people who call this a cushy job have never been up all day and night busting your ass to save others! Yes some days are slow but some days you bust your balls from the time you get there until you leave. So to those who say we have too many paid crews I hope it is you that doesn't get help when you need it. I would rather have an extra crew just in case. I don't want to take a chance that my family may need help but because of budget cuts no one was available to help.

  34. ok you got me. i was driving the big red truck.but we went to market st for happy hour after giant and hid the truck so well you could not find us. we will be out in big red truck for HH on friday try to find us you bunch of poor losers.

  35. The angle doesn't give you the true picture. The fire truck is pretty much hidden from view if you are driving down Rt. 13. By design? Duh!

  36. "James Howard citizen of Salisbury"

    Are you a city resident of the City of Salisbury?

    Are you a tax paying citizen of Salisbury?

    I bet you aren't! I just searched for James Howard in Salisbury and 2 showed up and neither were in the city limits. You have no say Mr. Coward yourself. By the way which paid fireman are you connected to?


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