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Monday, February 03, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Banker Suicides

Hey Joe,

Didn't know if you had come across this or not but I didn't see it on the blog. In the last week 3 major banking exectutives committed suicide. It is suspiciously missing from any American MSM source, but there are some british reports on it. One was found hung, one threw himself 500ft off the roof of a JPMorgan Chase building and the other I can barely find anything on. With the changes at the FED and the 5.6% drop so far this year in stocks it is very unnerving.


  1. There has been a 4th but they are waiting on a cause of death report.
    Apparently there was a 44% gold run at J P Morgan Bank.

  2. I am suspicious of the term "suicide". It always raises the specter of Chicago politics. Have there been any congressmen who committed "suicide"??

  3. Unless one guy was pushed off the roof to his death and the other guy was murdered by hanging in his own home, it's probably safe to say it was suicide. Not sure of the 3rd and 4th's deaths.

  4. And the 5.6% drop quoted before is now into the 7% after todays horrible stock numbers.


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