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Sunday, February 09, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post: Did Any Of You Know About This?

Anonymous said...

The University of Maryland School of Architecture, Preservation & Planning, has invested in a partnership with the City of Salisbury to create a Downtown Salisbury master plan through a community engagement and design process throughout the Spring of 2014. The first workshop will be held at the Old Fire Station in Downtown Salisbury. Please join us at 10:00am for tours and 1:00pm for the design workshop!

Saturday's Schedule is as follows:
10-10:30 - Sign in
10:30-11 - Introductions/Presentations
11-12:30 - Walking Tours (for everyone, with students)
12:30-1:30 - Lunch
1:30-2:30 - Mapping + Debriefing
2:30-3:30 - Mapping + Drawing
3:30-4:30 - Report out
4:30-5 - Hierarchization of ideas

Publishers Notes: Funny, there's nothing about this on the City's Website. What I find most interesting is WHO the Mayor seems to be depending on referencing the revitalization of Downtown and the fact that information like this hasn't been wide spread throughout OUR community. 

Are we just going to wake up one day and see rainbows all over the Downtown area and men in tights? Will Bob Culver will be forced to change the name of his restaurant to "Closet Door," MoJo's will become Jimbo's with UniSex Bathrooms and who knows what else will happen. Someone seems to be acting a LOT like King Obama lately and keeping us peasants in the closet.


  1. This is simply a glorified pipe dream.This morning at app 6AM I heard about a request for ideas and suggestions re the downtown area.That was on WICO radio.

  2. It was inmthe times a couple of days ago

  3. For what it's worth, Jake Day has been promoting this event pretty heavily for the past week on Facebook.

  4. Here's just part of something I received yesterday.

    Run or Dye, the world's most colorful 5k, has opened registration for the Salisbury race at the Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Saturday, May 10th and will bring the colors of the rainbow with it. The color-blasted 5k will kick off at 9 a.m. and feature multi-colored showers of safe, eco-friendly, plant-based cornstarch dye at every kilometer for a day of full color fun. Afterwards participants will have the option to take part in the Run or Dye world-famous Dye Festival where they'll "Tie-Dye the Sky" with an explosion of colors in the ultimate celebration of life, friendship, fitness, and fun.

    Don't you think for a single second your Mayor wasn't a part of setting this up.

    1. Run or dye isn't a gay thing. It raises money for local charities. People sign up as teams or individuals and make costumes and have fun. My wife and I and our straight friends are doing it. Just because it is colorful doesn't make it gay. Sorry they found a way to mix exercise, charity, and fun together. Put your cigar down joe and get some exercise

  5. If it does for Salisbury what it did for Rehoboth I am all for it. We should be so lucky.

  6. rainbows and unicorns

  7. I wonder if you first thought it was a joke.If it wasn't official I would certainly have questioned it had I received such a message.That is seriously out there.

  8. Actually, the Run or Dye race is a really fun, very Family friendly nationwide event.

  9. I do not understand what the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Preservation & Planning, and being gay has to do with one another.

  10. I thought that old firehouse was to be condemned.

  11. Run or Dye has nothing to do with being gay. It is a for profit event management company.

    A non profit will hire them to run the event and they get a portion of the proceeds.

    Or Color Run LLC runs the event on its own and keeps all the profits.

    Global Poverty Project is The Color Run's global charity partner.

    Its been done all over the world.

    WTH is wrong with you people.

  12. Maybe because anyone associated with U of M must be a democrat, communist, homosexual….


  13. Annie, the Mayor is openly gay. He has expressed in the past how he wants to make Downtown a gay community, I've heard that from his lips first hand.

    Considering this has NOT been put out to the public, (outside the Ireton/Day social media clan) and considering MOST of the people on that list are NOT City residents, WHY should THEY have a say in what is done with Downtown?

    Did I miss something???? Does the University of Maryland own a piece of property Downtown?

    I think my message is very clear. The Mayor and Day have one vision and the actual investors who own property Downtown clearly have no say in the Downtown future.

    I'm sorry, is this AMERICA or CHINA? I do NOT need some flamboyant Mayor telling ME how things are going to be. He's delivered NO JOBS and all he keeps doing is coming out with "FEEL GOOD" meetings, (like this one) to rally the troops in yet another pep rally.


  14. Joe,
    That run or dye in Salisbury has been on their books/website since last year, I signed up for it months ago. They take pre-registrations to see how many are interested before they book the event.

    Just because he wants a gay community doesn't mean the gay community is interested in living downtown. That goes for the artists also. Most artists I know live out side of the city limits so they can do what they want and not have to put up with the bullcrap.

  15. Joe, you are such a homophobe that it colors your judgment. Are you seriously saying someone from the "outside" shouldn't have his nose in Salisbury's business? Maybe we should welcome all suggestions for making Salisbury more vibrant. You are one property owner. That doesn't make you king.

  16. Our real mayor is JOE ALBERO. Everyone I know voted for you. That election was a fraud.

  17. Let me add this. For years I have been paying around $7,000.00 a year in taxes Downtown. I put my MONEY where my mouth is and I proved to this community I would INVEST in Downtown Salisbury.

    How dare this Mayor and Council President DISRESPECT me and others who have invested MILLIONS of dollars only to lose a LOT of it.

    WHERE can you buy a REMODELED, 12,000 square foot commercial building for $400,000.00!

    BREAK that down Ladies & Gentlemen, seriously. If your home is 2,000 square feet, are you telling ME it's only worth $65,000.00? Mind you, commercial property is worth even more than residential, so we're losing even more.

    Salisbury has become a JOKE! Feldman's sold for $5,000.00!!!!! The old Fire Station, what, $75,000.00! The Allfirst Bank, $250,000.00! Unemployment through the roof. Affordable housing and student housing is the only construction. The City is imploding and Ireton is screwing ALL of those people who invested into property by allowing more student housing. He wants to give away the parking lots Downtown, thank God that's failing.

    Now we're going to have INEXPERIENCED Students redesigning the Downtown????

    My God, you people have truly lost it. Yeah, I'll bank on Jim Ireton and Jake Day and friends to revitalize Downtown, NOT!

  18. Annie, the Delaware Beaches article is NOT a LOCAL article. It recruits the Rehoboth Beach crowd.

  19. Sounds like you need to make better investment choices in the future.

  20. I'll take fresh ideas and look at them just as I would take ideas from the status quo business owners and property owners.

  21. I do not believe I said it was a local article, I said here is the article, it was the ONLY publication I could find it in.

    I only sent it to you so that you could read it because it clearly keeps defining his plans on selling the parking lots.

  22. In fact Joe it lists ALL the beaches.

  23. John Palmer, there is no question or doubt in my mind you are correct. Jim Ireton and Jake Day are a fraud.

    However, they can have it, seriously. Let them prove their agenda and platform was better than mine. So far, well, how's it working for you Folks?

    How's your property values? How's that unemployment working for you? Heck, even Council Members are on assistance. When is that new manufacturing plant coming to Salisbury? Are you enjoying those speed camera tickets or parking meter tickets? How's that Old Mall property coming along? Are you ready to take a long walk to Eric's Barber Shop from the Parking Garage? Foreclosures up 430%.

    Yeah, the Ireton/Day/Pollitt package has been a grand slam home run.

  24. What do you have against gay people? Seriously?

  25. anonymous 10:33, Nothing. I do not agree with their lifestyle, as do the majority of Americans. Jim Ireton stated in the Daily Times during the election, why do you challenge my homosexuality yet you don't challenge Albero's heterosexuality.

    So I ask you, what does Jim have against my heterosexuality?

    Oh, it CAN'T go BOTH ways, right?

    So Jim's a Heterophobe, right?

  26. I remember that article. Keep up the good work Joe.

  27. a person's sexual orientation, be it straight, gay or somewhere in between, should not be a consideration.

  28. anonymous 10:44, BS! You come and tell me that when billions of homos have been married for hundreds of years and I might listen to that load of crap. Until then, they are just a bunch of crybabies who want their way and you know what, I'm loving every minute of it because one day soon they will come to learn what a REAL commitment means, something these unstable people cannot handle.

    Even one of my closest friends in is gay and agrees 100% with me.

  29. Nudest camps were created for people to express themselves. They should have homosexual camps so they can express themselves. I'll never go down town again.

  30. There are a lot of people that do not agree with homosexuality. It is a sin for starters. These homos always try to shove their sick and perverted lifestyle down the throats of Americans .Considering homosexuals are not Christians and don't not believe in Christ.Homosexuals are the most intolerant of people. Being a homo is not about family its not about love Homosexuality is nothing perverted sex. If god had wanted 2 men or 2 women to be together he would have mad it possible for them to have kids without going outside of their gayness. Women pretending to be men and men wearing dresses and talking with a lisp. What has this world come to

  31. It is nothing normal about 2 men coming at each from the rear.It is nothing normal about confusing a child to believing that it is natural to have 2 moms or 2 dads.Homosexuals can't have a natural family that is their mission to destroy traditional family.

  32. I see our resident homophobes, that are so hung up on gay sex, have fianally woke up for the day.

  33. 11:09 that is a pretty broad accusation to say gays do not believe in christ when there are gay priests and many attend church.

  34. anonymous 11:40, ASK Jim Ireton if he attends Church. That IS the point here because we are talking about Jimmy. He was raised in the Catholic Church but now denounces it.

  35. I like mayor jimmy's vision for the bury, we could call it homotopia. Speaking of James P. Ireton look how his dad turned out. Bury better not get stun guns

  36. Next time you attend church walk up to your pastor and ask him what they think of homosexuality. Real pastors denounce that type of behavior. Unless you have some liberal pastor that flip flops like the no good President did. Obama stated he believed that marriage was between one man and one woman Obama is not a man of god anyway. A homo is not a christian. a pastor can not consider himself a man of god either performing gay weddings.These homos have being trying to pass their sick behavior on Christians for years and destroy christian faith. They have been tried to destroy private businesses look at what they tried to do to chick fil-a look at Duck Dynasty. These radical homosexuals are on a seek and destroy mission.

  37. Sad to see everyone missing the point and arguing about gayness.

    If you read the full article, it could be noted that the UM is coming in to take part of the study based on Ireton's vision.

    I did not get a feel from the article the UM was invited in to give us THEIR vision of what we could do.

  38. Annie, perhaps you don't understand what "partnership" means.

  39. It won't make a difference as the shore is finished. Good luck to all of Alberos and iretons out there. Nothing will save the shore from itself

  40. I bet the Governor will love reading this thread….

  41. First of all, you don't have a meeting like that in a drafty empty building in the middle of winter. Are the crazy...oh yes, a rhetorical question. Secondly, if this were being done right, fliers would have been hand delivered to every home within walking distance of the downtown area. It would have been mentioned at every televised council meeting, and there would have been a PSA running for weeks, if not months, in advance. This is a tried and true method for making sure that the only input you get for something like this is the input you want...the same people who are "singing your song." That explains promotion on a personal FB page. They are his friends and would logically tend to agree with his ideas.

  42. 9:51-They are not big spenders.Their support,if you want to call it that will not be adequate to keep downtown alive.When they move in the serious money spenders vacate.

  43. anonymous 1:51, Thank You for helping me make my point.

    They do NOT want a Joe Albero who might come up with LOGICAL reasons as to why their plan will NOT work.

    NOR do ANY of them UNDERSTAND what it takes to do this successfully. I could give a rats A$$ what Jake Day does for a living, his ba??s have never been on the line financially and is a simple chart maker like so many other useless type of government workers of this sort.

    From this point forward, (I don't care if they beg) I'm NOT helping them with Downtown any more. I'll sit back and watch them FLOP. My ideas would have made many millionaires in Downtown and NOT minimum wage people instead.

  44. Joe,, I understand there are many forms of partnerships. Some are not as equal as others.

  45. Annie, maybe you should take a nap now ... a run and dye nap?

  46. 11:58 .. Seriously, is that Jimmie's daddy? At least, from the article, he would appear to be hetero.

  47. Like father like son, both are twisted. Maybe dad had a thing for Jimmy, is that where it all went wrong?


  48. Anonymous said...
    If it does for Salisbury what it did for Rehoboth I am all for it. We should be so lucky.

    February 7, 2014 at 9:27 AM

    Why don't you carry you little gay butt to Rehoboth then. We don't need it here. We are real men and women and not any pansies like you clowns.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Joe, you are such a homophobe that it colors your judgment. Are you seriously saying someone from the "outside" shouldn't have his nose in Salisbury's business? Maybe we should welcome all suggestions for making Salisbury more vibrant. You are one property owner. That doesn't make you king.

    February 7, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    Call any of us a homophobe all you like. Calling us names will not shame us into accepting your mental illness and your shameless lifestyle. You homos are sick and we refuse to bow to your political correctness.

    One thing for sure is when Jimbeau and Chuckiepoo's idols like Obama make this a complete Islamic Nation you homos will be the first to be beheaded. You Homos are to stupid to realize that you are hated and not wanted by the Muslims. Off with your heads!

  50. Anonymous said...
    For what it's worth, Jake Day has been promoting this event pretty heavily for the past week on Facebook.

    February 7, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    Yes he has been and I didn't go and neither did 90% of the folks he thought was his friends.

  51. Anonymous said...
    What do you have against gay people? Seriously?

    February 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    What do you have for gay people? Seriously?

    They have a mental illness. They are sick and immoral so my guess is you are as well.

  52. Anonymous said...
    a person's sexual orientation, be it straight, gay or somewhere in between, should not be a consideration.

    February 7, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    Wrong answer! Look and Jim Ireton and his father. They both have a fetish with a rectum whether it is a male of a female. They are sick and I don't want any Ireton around me or my children.

  53. Anonymous said...
    11:58 .. Seriously, is that Jimmie's daddy? At least, from the article, he would appear to be hetero.

    February 7, 2014 at 3:16 PM

    Yes it is Jimmies daddy and you missed the part about sodomy. Sodomy is anal sex for the most part and that is the connection.

  54. OH MY GOSH!!

    I wish all my Farmin looked that hot and sweaty!!

  55. Oral sex is also sodomy, so you really don't know what he was trying to do.

  56. Oral sex is not sodomy. Go eat a cracker...

  57. anonymous 7:52, I never said not to go to this event. I never said it wasn't any fun.

    I'd rather raise money for local socially challenged kids who can't afford Little League and so forth instead of something national.

    Have a great time.


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