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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Your Rights When The Cops Pull You Over Explained In One Brilliant Infographic

Getting pulled over can make even the most law-abiding citizen's heart race. You should understand what you can and can't do.

Most people know they don't have to take a breathalyzer. But in 26 states, you don't have to show an officer your ID during detention either. And refusing a search doesn't serve as an admission of guilt.

Read the rest of your rights when interacting with police below:



  1. I love all the anti-police articles are posted on this site and then everyone b@#$%% about crime constantly.

  2. anonymous 12:08, If you hadn't noticed, 99% of these articles we publish are NOT associated with departments here on the Eastern Shore, yet many of you take offense to them. You shouldn't.

    It is my job to bring forth information across the board. We also publish a LOT of great things local departments do.

    So stop acting like we are cop haters and Firefighter haters, we're not. We publish the calls for service for ALL departments making us fair and balanced.

  3. one thing I found that was not exactly accurate in the chart Joe. A search will definitely be made of a person upon arrest. Its called "search incidental to arrest". The chart indicated that if you are arrested you can only be searched
    1) With a warrant
    2) Frisk
    3) Plain sight
    4) Consentual


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