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Friday, January 10, 2014

Worcester County Bureau Of Investigation Press Release 1-10-14

LOCATION: West Ocean City and Berlin, MD

ACCUSED: Cory C. Richardson (29 years old) of Ocean Pines


January 8, 2014 at approximately 7:30 P.M. Maryland State Police and Worcester County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a silent alarm activation at Larry’s Trading Post in West Ocean City. Once Law enforcement arrived it was learned that a White male dressed in a Black Suit, black hat and black gloves had identified himself as a police officer upon entering the store. He requested to inspect some of the handguns in the store. The store owner did not observe a police badge or other police credentials. The store owner did observe the subject to be wearing a handgun on his hip. The store owner became suspicious about the subject and asked to see his police credentials. The store owner activated the silent alarm. The subject told the store owner that he needed to go to his car. At which time he quickly left the area operating a 2014 White Dodge Avenger. The subject was also captured on the stores videos surveillance system.

Later that evening at approximately 11:50 P.M. a female had pulled up to a ATM machine at a Bank on Racetrack Road, Berlin to withdraw some currency. She observed a White male exit a 2014 White Dodge Avenger and approach her at the ATM machine. She observed this male subject to be holding a Black Rifle with a scope. In fear, she fled the area contacting Law Enforcement. She described what happened to her. An all points bulletin was put out on the radio in order to locate the 2014 White Dodge Avenger. The vehicle was stopped by a Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy a short time later. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Cory C. Richardson of Ocean Pines. Cory Richardson was arrested and taken to the Sheriff’s Office for questioning by the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigations learned that Cory Richardson had in fact been to Larry’s Trading Post and subsequently seized the clothing he was wearing along with a Black Rifle with a scope. He has been charged with Armed Robbery, Handgun on Person, Personating a Police Officer, Assault in the First Degree, Reckless Endangerment, Firearm use in Violent Crime and Handgun in a Vehicle. He has been held on $250,000.00 Bond.


  1. If this person does'nt put up red flags as a mental case what does?

  2. A come here living in Ocean Pines.

  3. Granted he needs watching but I have a couple of concerns about the charges on this one. armed robbery? who did he try to rob? assault in the first degree? who did he assault? firearm used in a violent crime? what crime?
    I'm pretty sure it's perfectly legal in Maryland to walk around with an unloaded weapon. as long as you're not in a school zone.

  4. 1052, There is no open carry of a handgun in Maryland except for law enforcement. And walking up to a woman at an atm holding a rifle is brandishing, also a crime.


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