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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Will Maryland Tax Ammo?

Read More HERE


  1. Just days ago O'Malley said there would be no new taxes. He's a Democrat meaning he's a liar! Not a problem for me. Delaware is only a half mile north.

  2. the 3 IDIOTS who came up with this POS bill have developmental disabilities!!!

  3. I've got a better idea. Teach these developmentally disabled at the LSE how to reload ammo and earn their own keep. No new tax, and no more ammo shortage. Done Deal.

  4. He can tax ammo, just one more thing i can buy in DE while i pick up everything else i buy. cant wait to move out of o mally land. then who will pay for his lazy voters living for free.

  5. 9:45 Great idea... people with developmental disabilities reloading ammo. Nothing can go wrong there.

  6. Are you saying reloading ammo can't be made safe, 10:24? Pray, tell us how many people died reloading ammo or injured, for that matter say, in the last 20 years?

  7. People with "developmental disabilities" are not the responsibility of the general population.
    Just like people that are just plain lazy and stupid are not the responsibility of the general population. (welfare/foodstamps)
    Guns and ammo have nothing to do with these problems. Why don't they attach the fines and penalties to the commodities that cause many of these disorders? Alcohol taxes for starters.

  8. Tax one thing and use the funds for something totally unrelated.

    Aside from the 'no-new-taxes' lie (yes, both sides have spouted it), these clowns would tax the air we breathe if they could figure out how to measure it per capita.

    November cometh the mid-terms...our next chance to start to take our country back...two years hence also cometh the major election cycle....if we don't screw up this November, we'll have a good chance of recovery!

    All we need are some real people willing to run....a couple of locals have decided to throw their hats in the ring - let's start by electing them.....

  9. They count on the sheep feeling sorry for the "developmentally disabled" and giving their approval for whatever is necessary to do that. Add THAT Orwellian reasoning to the others -- "protecting our children for God's sake!!", and "keeping us safe!", and the very best one, "stopping terrorists!!!!!!!".
    They our "leaders" --LOL- know that as soon as you oppose any of the measures they want to enact using any of those BS reasons, you can be attacked into submission. They (our "leaders) may be slimy, drug dealing, alcoholic, cheating, stealing, lying at every chance, bribe-taking, backroom dealing, payoff-accepting, tax evading, holier-than-thou, above the law sexual predatory slugs, but they aren't stupid in the ways of manipulation (or sheep herding, if you will).
    Oh yeah, I wasn't referring to "your guy", you know, the latest and greatest hero who will "change things" and has you actually BELIEVING that he will.
    I also wasn't making any references to your IQ, either.

  10. Under Obama-Care...in order to qualify you cannot own GUNS...bet you did not know that oneJanuary 25, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    soon they will visit your homes...

  11. Also, to live in public housing, you can't own guns, that is why those places are safe.


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