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Friday, January 10, 2014

Wicomico Democrats Seek Allies

How are Wicomico County Democrats progressing towards next fall’s elections? Better than you might think. Since a Democrat majority is highly unlikely, local Democrat leaders want the next best thing – a liberal council that will rubber-stamp increased spending and higher taxes if Rick Pollitt is re-elected to the County Executive’s post.

Sources within the Wicomico Democrat Central Committee indicate that they are preparing to give appointee John Hall (R-4) and first term incumbent Matt Holloway (R-At Large) a free pass. Why? One need simply look at their voting records and Matt Holloway’s role of carrying water for County Executive Rick Pollitt (D) on council.



  1. There are very few Conservative Republicans in Wico County! Rick P runs the show and will as long as he wants! The 2 mentioned in the story are rubber stamp out for their own agenda's! Sad! That's why the money has left the County

  2. The Democrats may give these two a free-pass - but the citizens should NOT.

    Someone needs to step up and run for these RINO held seats!

  3. Great article! I think a lot of people that voted Matt Holloway in would be unhappy with his alliance to Rick & most recently Jake Day, but sometimes I wonder if they even pay attention to how he votes. Do they even know he has practically flipped sides. Time to get these wishy washy people out. We voted them into this seat for a reason & it was not to pass everything Rick wants.

  4. I think Matt Holloway & John Hall are doing a good job. They both have my vote & I live in the city so I can vote for John & vote for Matt at-large. Hope they are successful in their run for their seats. We need more like them on the council with forward thinking not more CAVE people. (CAVE -- citizens against virtually everything, or better yet: Joe Holloway & Bob Culver)


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