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Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Wicomico County Schools will be closed tomorrow. 2 hour delay for the central office. Next day for kids is Monday due to Friday being a professional day. We have not received word on the Delmar school district yet. 


  1. It's little wonder they don't learn anything!

  2. Oh, the humanity! LOL!

  3. Anonymous said...
    It's little wonder they don't learn anything!

    January 22, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    They will now have to make up the school work well into June now.

    You morons should complain to the Superintendent and the Board of Ed for closing school to often in the name of "safety for the children."

  4. Ok, So we have had three days off, due to weather - So here's a thought - Since they are having a professional day on Friday and if the roads are clear - send them on Friday to make up Tuesday and go to school on Presidents day to make up Wed and etc. If not, then take away spring break!! This is so stupid to add these days to end of year - cause then they will complain, cause it's too hot!! Well guess what, Tuesday night I had to work till 11 pm and it took me forty minutes to get home (normally twenty minute ride) and my work didn't close and I left early (on my way to work)and took my time!!

  5. The teachers' contract would be violated if a professional day was taken away. Do YOUR homework before you speak. Three days off of school will not make a difference in what or how your children learn. A bad accident on snowy/icy roads, however, just MIGHT make a difference in the lives of children. Get over it. If you have children, you should be prepared for these days with backup child care/neighbors to share snow day child care, etc. I believe most of you who are angry about the snow days just don't want to deal with finding child care. Tell the truth.

  6. 5:57am,
    LMAO. Finding child care. The truth of the matter is, most parents don't even want to spend a day with their kids. They would rather work until it is convenient for the parent to have a play day.

  7. People amaze me.....they think their own 2K sq. ft. Iittle world defines the conditions of the rest of the world. How quickly they forget that Wicomico County is not just the City of Salisbury and every home with a child is NOT connected with a primary road! There are miles and miles of rural roads that are in bad shape due to drifting snow from the fields and tree coverage....and many have not seen the County plow or salt! Public school buses pass my house between 6:30am - 7:00am. I would not ask a bus driver to risk their life as well as the lives of children just to save them from having to go an extra day in June. Or because YOU failed to make child care arrangements! No, I'm not a bus driver, I don't work for the BOE or county. My child attends a private school and is, by my choice, home today because the rural roads were not safe. Oh, and I'm not a libtard either!

  8. AMEN to 5:57 a.m. and 12:31 p.m. You are both so right! Selfish parents. Poor kids.

  9. No, WE are NOT selfish parents, We are TAXPAYERS!!! I work everyday and My husband and I work for the private sector not the public sector and btw, We do not need childcare!!! We don't work 180 days a year and get every weekend and holiday off!! When the weather is bad we leave earlier and drive slow for work!! I do not work for the BOE, I am a nurse and btw there are days where I have to do a double shift, so spare me your sad and song story and when you walk a mile in my shoes - then you can talk!! When you have to work on Christmas to tend to the sick!! I went to school to make this career for me and my family and so If you want to consider me a selfish parent - Go right ahead - But again, Walk a mile in my shoes!! Have a good evening!!

  10. 10:36 P.M. - Like those that work in education, you CHOSE your career. Your career includes long hours and holidays; education careers include (for most) summers, weekends and holidays off. I am so tired of people whining about teachers having so much time off! Their pay reflects the hours/days they work, as do other professions. The salary of a nurse is much more than the salary of a teacher, so get over yourselves! Until you've spent many hours volunteering or working in a school, you have NO idea what a teacher's job TRULY entails. I have no pity for any of you who whine about the jobs you CHOSE. I work 2 jobs and am grateful for both of them; I don't complain.
    (BTW, I am NOT a teacher.)
    As for being a taxpayer, all of us who work pay taxes. What does that have to do with schools closing? And if you don't need childcare, what are you yelling about? That you're jealous of teacher's hours? Again, you CHOSE your high paying job and the hours/days along with it. All education employees have to "make up" snow days just like the kids do, so what is your point?
    Would you, as a TAXPAYER, like to pay to heat 26 schools with no children inside (just TEACHERS)? Doubtful. Talk to the union if you'd like to send teachers to school when kids are not there. Many teachers do go to school on snow days, FYI.
    Yes, I DO call you and all the other complainers selfish parents b/c you are more concerned about your boo-boo career than the safety of the children.


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