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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Why Isn’t DNI (Director of National Intelligence) James Clapper Investigated By A Grand Jury?

An oath is an oath. It is not an option. You swear to tell the truth, we expect you to do so and failure to do so has consequences….or at least is supposed to have consequences.

If you lie under oath about something material (not something inconsequential), you commit perjury. That is a felony.

It is that plain and simple.

The process is also plain.

If someone is suspected of lying under oath, that person is referred to a grand jury where the grand jury considers the evidence and decides whether the person should be indicted for perjury.

If indicted, the defendant will have an opportunity to defend himself / herself at trial.

Here is what transpired on March 12, 2013 at a Senate hearing where DNI Clapper was under oath and swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:

Senator Wyden then asked Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” He responded, “No, sir.”[32] Wyden asked “It does not?”[32] and Clapper said “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly.” [from Wikipedia]

The above response by DNI Clapper is false. No one denies it is false – even Clapper himself admits now that it is false.



  1. Remember the outrage congress expressed when Roger Clemens' testimony about steroid use was found to be false? Congress actually talked about arresting and imprisoning him for lying to Congress.
    They won't do anything to Clapper because the NSA cannot be prosecuted for anything they do in the USA. Further, anytime any Congressman says he IS going to do something, Clapper takes him aside and quietly shows him a folder with the Congressman's name on it. Magically, all inquiries come to a screeching halt.
    In a nutshell, they won't stop and we can't make them.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Clinton lied under oath and nothing was ever done to him, now they all know you can get away with it. His lie, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", remember?

  3. And Obama has told some big whoppers and nothing will be done about that either.

  4. they cover for each other.

  5. Whats wrong with lying? All us liberal, progressive dumbocrats and republicans do it. Ain't nothing wrong with one every once in an hour. Can't wait to get back to work ha, ha, ha.

  6. I have a 70's retro room.In it I have a Clapper that everyone gets a kick out of.


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