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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Why Are The Lines So Crazy Right Now In WalMart...

Because many Independence Cards expire today, that's why. Its the new Black Friday.


  1. It was none other than Walmart who lobbied Congress extensively to expand this subsidy.

  2. Is that the name for WELFARE, freebies Card????

  3. 7:13,to answer your question, YES.

  4. Because weather you can afford it or not shopping is the new sporting American Pass Time
    Bitch about high prices and off shored jobs and line up like sheep and shop shop shop

  5. If the EBT cards are taken from Walmart, Inc...They will fold up like a cheap suit...And I say, good riddance...Welfare/EBT makes Walmart, Inc. richer and richer by the day...For selling crappy stuff to a lot people who get their money from the "system" (i.e. you and I). Walmart is corporate welfare on a grand scale..

  6. Why do people hate Walmart? ALL OTHER RETAILERS do the same things. Along with the muslims on the OC boardwalk.

  7. Should be called "Dependance" card. Independant is the last thing these people are. Gotta go, don't want to be late for work. You,re welcome

  8. nothing is wirse than stsnding in line behind someone with a full cart that they "slide" theire card for and I am counting coupons and hoping I have enough in the check book to cover for what I WORKED hard for. Forget about the steak and shrimp.

  9. Yep, 11:35 you are correct. If entitlements disappeared tomorrow Walmart would have to close many locations. Not only are a large percentage of their sales from welfare but upwards of 80% of their employees are on one or more type of government assistance.

  10. It should cease for 90% of the recepients who are; fat, lazy people who are only out to take advantage of the system. I'm tired of seeing these slugs eating better food, watching bigger TVs and driving better vehicles than I can afford. And I never even get a "thank you" from them.

  11. I thought it was Christmas 2006 out here,never seen so much traffic.

  12. Come on, they have to shop for the After Christmas sales and buy their 3 year old a 60 inch, flat screen TV! I'm tired of working 40 hours a week and they have better vehicles, better homes and complain that they don't get enough entitlements!


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