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Thursday, January 23, 2014

What An Incredible Week So Far

I can't thank everyone enough for what has become one of the best weeks Salisbury News has ever seen.

Every day that goes by we are receiving more and more phone calls and e-mail messages sharing information relating to Eastern Shore issues. More people are depending on Salisbury News than the rest of the local media because they'll get published, not ignored.

Today is no different. In the 9 AM hour we will once again deliver more incredible local news stories we know will capture your attention and bring up more discussion trough comments.

Our rewards come through traffic and comments. It lets us know, (and everyone else) just how well we're doing. So thank you very much for visiting and participating. Have a great day.


  1. I must say this :
    About 7 or 8 years ago I started looking at this news (your blog).
    I became a believer that most media just want to make drama out of all news , including the weather channel .
    The drama turned into mostly lies to compete with the truth.
    I'm surprised that anyone believes the times or most other news papers.
    I believe they are led with money hungry leaders who have brainwashed them into posting everything as a sensation.
    Just my opinion , keep going strong , it may be a thread that is needed to unite the country again. Wayne E.

  2. Still haven't heard anything about the water problems at the expensive places on Riverside drive on BOC. If so... why?

  3. anonymous 6:40, I got up early this morning and turned on the TV, something I rarely do in the morning. WBOC was actually covering ANOTHER story in another STATE referencing a couple who had been displaced because of pipes freezing in an apartment building. I thought to myself, you freaking Idiots! Instead of BORROWING a news piece from an affiliate station, why not cover the story right here in Salisbury!!!!!


  4. We - the people - thank you. Just this morning I went into the local convenience store and saw a small caption on the right hand side of The Daily Times - about Tuesday's county council meeting. I scanned over the article and saw the cover-up that the administration tried to do in downplaying the income tax revenue estimates. Obviously, the DT reporting staff are novices when it comes to reporting.

    Again - WE THANK YOU. Without SBYnews the public would continue to be spoon fed information instead of the getting the real news. Salisbury News is truly an asset to our community.

  5. In my professional assessment, SBYnews is the best go to source for accurate, fast, (almost live streaming) - information. Our family practically lives on SBYnews 24-7.

    Thanks for a job well done.

  6. Main complaint is having to scroll thur 60 to 80 postings to find the local stories. 2nd irritation is the comments off subject. I like to know locals concerns over issues. Good job Joe.

  7. anonymous 7:54, credible concerns, no doubt. Allow me to explain our position.

    In most cases, because we are a REAL TIME Website, we cannot predict when a local breaking news story might pop up. Hence them being all over the place. I respect your concern and understand where you are coming from but IF we are to keep our viewers in the loop, (so to speak) in real time, this is what we have to deal with.

    Off topic comments... well, a lot of times they start off slightly off topic and then I have to agree, they go way off topic. I do my best to try to bring the comments back to where we began. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    Thanks for your comment though.

  8. Joe you report the news and the people reflect what they think and how they disseminate it... how can there be a better venue? The Daily Times can't possibly compete

  9. Main concern is that you won't publish everything! If you deem it derogatory, inflammatory, or racist, then it don't get put up, come on, grow a pair. Put it out there and let the chip fall, Or at least put it up with redactions.

  10. Thank you for the blog. Now the substantial number of conservatives that live on the shore can make their voices heard regardless of the control of the local MSM by liberals. It is nice to see them also visit the site occasionally with their opposing views. It has to be a new and shocking experience for them to see something beside the establishment party line.


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