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Sunday, January 19, 2014

What A Disgrace……….

The problem with public housing is that the residents are not the owners.
The people who live in the house did not earn the house, but were merely loaned the property by the actual owners, the taxpayers.
Because of this, the residents do not have the "pride of ownership" that
comes with the hard work necessary to become owners.

In fact, quite the opposite happens. The residents resent their benefactors,
because the very house is a constant reminder that they themselves have not earned the right to live in the house.

They neither appreciate the value of the property nor understand the need to maintain or respect it in any way.

The result is the same, whether one is talking about either a studio apartment or a magnificent mansion full of priceless antiques.

If the people who live there do not feel they've earned the privilege of occupancy, they will make this obvious through their actions.
For example, see the following series of photographs:

The desk was built from the timbers of the H.M.S. Resolute and was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes; it is considered to be a national treasure and anicon of the presidency.

The White House belongs to the people of America.
Its treasures should NOT be used by ANYONE for a foot rest !!!

These photos, ongoing proof that this man has no class whatsoever, all show an innate disrespect not only for our White House, but also for the people with whom he associates.

Only an oaf remains seated, with his feet up on the desk, while another shakes his hand?

Mr. Obama, you're not in Chicago public housing.
You're in the White House , property of the people of the United States.
With all due respect, get your @#%*+#% feet off our furniture !!!  


  1. He also swings from the chandler and climbs the drapes, and sometimes he throw his feces at people!

  2. bottom line: NO CLASS

  3. you nailed this--he respects next to nothing -our sociopath President

  4. It's his culture , live in a shack and buy a new cadilac.
    Look at me!

  5. After thinking about this idiots actions , I can only think of one other leader in the world that acted the same , " Idi Amin ".
    Look him up , surprising how similar they are.
    Of course Hitler would be the second choice.

  6. Better than that....get your sorry @$$ out of the White House!

    Go back to the country of your ancestry!

  7. could it be that he is a total piece of s..t? just about everything he does says up yours america.

  8. People wonder why I'm a racist , your leader at work .

  9. He respects nothing or no one - a very classless act.

  10. 11:45 He's been doing the last antic to the American people since day 1.

  11. You're damn right.Get your feet off of our furniture! You never know who's been under it.

  12. Umm how about you all get the stick out of your behind!! He is the leader of the Free World!!! He can do as he pleases with his feet. Good lord, I mean really. Are you serious with this nonsense???

  13. 2:02
    So you would be ok with him coming to your home and destroying your personal things right? You wouldn't mind if he drove your car and hit a few things right? How about he walk through some oil then across your carpet? Still ok with that? I mean they are his feet it doesn't matter if he is destroying things that don't belong to him right? People like you just don't get it. I hate to see what your home looks like.

  14. Like Palin walking around in flag shoes.

  15. 2:17
    You can't be serious. That is nothing like this. Palin paid for those shoes they belong to her. That furniture was either given to the USA or was paid for by tax payer money. How can you even say they are the same!

  16. Oh please 2:02 learn some manners and decorum why don't you! Just because it's par for course for his type (run around mother, doesn't know who his father is, dumped off on grandparents) doesn't give him the right to act ghetto and put his feet on a piece of history. But like I said it's par for course for his type and exactly what they do to public housing. Wouldn't surprise me on bit if they haven't crapped up the White House but good.

  17. 2:02 You will need to get the boot out of yours.

  18. If Biden had any b---'s He would tell him to act civilized. But then again Biden is no role model either.

  19. he is use to having them propped up on a tree limb while nesting

  20. So, what about all the photos of Pres. Bush with his feet on the desk? Or Reagan? They're out there.

  21. "He is the leader of the Free World!!!" Your president is the leader of nothing. You need to get out of Mom's basement a little more often, 2:02.

  22. you can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy.

  23. 2:02 you are a troll and everyone see's that.
    Ghetto is as ghetto does....


  24. I'm sure other presidents have put their feet up from time to time; not endorsing that either. The WH furniture isn't from IKEA and the unneeded wear caused by this lazy behavior will need repair.

    Even more telling is that OweBama tightly controls photos of himself. These were taken by his personal photographer and released at various times by the regime because they thought they reflected well on OweBama. Sad, sad, sad!

  25. Remember you're only a squatter, get your dam feet off our desk.

  26. It is just like they treat the projects. Look what happened to Caprini Green.

  27. really? get a life, I don't like the President as much as the next guy but we don't need to look for every little thing.

  28. Why should he respect the furniture when very clearly has no respect for our Constitution or our military? A communist no class kenyan coward traitor to the bone. Have we had enough yet? Some parents hope their children grow up and become president while many of us want our children to grow and be patriots. Remember this: Even King George didn't like the Tea Party. Stop this despot before it's too late!!!

  29. My mom always said if one cannot respect the belongings of others, "They musta been born in a barn"!!


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