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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We Performed For You Last Night, Send Us Some Money

From Joe Biden
To Joe Albero
Joe --

I am so proud to stand with Barack tonight.

If you are too, chip in $3 or more to support Democrats, and let's go follow through:



I thought being a whore was illegal? It seems to me that Obama and Biden have not only screwed us over the past 5 years, now they want us to pay up every time they bend us over and perform. I wonder, is this cash going to Obama's next trip to Hawaii? I didn't think so. 


  1. He is one of the biggest liars I have ever encountered. Last night he lied again about the No. of sign-ups on Obamacare. He said that there were 9 million . . . .da he included 5 million that automatically sign-up for Medicaid anyway - so he lied again.

    9 million - 5 million = 4 million new sign-ups and that is a DISASTER!

    Plain and simple - he is a very bad President.

  2. True;The fact check people are eating him up today.

  3. I thought it was quite the clown show entertainment fee

  4. 52% of the people dont care what he said.

  5. Thanks to the Moron liberal college kids and Obama peeps that voted this Moron in Why because he is black and it was a cool thing to do how is it working out.

  6. Anonymous said...
    52% of the people dont care what he said.

    January 29, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    If that is true it's even sadder that 48% does.


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