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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Water Being Sent to WV After Spill

FEMA is sending water from two locations in Cumberland and Frederick after a spill in West Virginia.

Officials say they don't know when tap water will be safe to use after a chemical spill into the Elk River.

Some 300,000 people in nine counties are affected.

Federal authorities are investigating how the foaming agent escaped a chemical plant and seeped into the river, leaving the water tinted blue-green and smelling like licorice.


  1. Probably the Federal Authorities.

  2. Salisbury needs to donate a tanker full of Wicomico River water to these unfortunate people.

  3. No doubt this was an all out assault on the coal belt by the Feds under the order of Obama. He will use this as propaganda against the evils of the coal industry after ordering a team to cause the leak... "look at the people suffering because of this dirty industry and the evil capitalist rich owners". I can hear him now!
    The chemical agent that was "spilled" is a foaming agent used in coal processing. How convenient for his agenda of destroying the coal industry!

  4. i keep telling you they are trying to poison us... Because they are some sick pieces of shit yet you all think we are crazy for this...

    If I am so crazy why has cancer at a all time high? hmmm interesting isn't it...


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