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Friday, January 24, 2014

Voter Fraud

It's coming! Obama panel urges voting with iPad


Presidential commission not worried about threat of hacking

In largely unreported text, President Obama’s special commission on election reform recommended tablet computers, such as iPads, be used to cast votes.

Obama’s 10-person Presidential Commission on Election Administration released its recommendations Wednesday in a 99-page document available online.

Much of the media coverage of the commission’s conclusions focused on a summary of key recommendations provided by the White House.



  1. Not an "obama" thing. Pols on both sides have been pushing bs ideas like this. It was foolish to go to e-voting machines in the first place. Something tells me a few well-placed dollars from Apple and other tech firms are pushing this.

  2. Now they can rig elections to the max just like they did in your race, Joe. I want you to know YOU won that election.

  3. Even paper can be improperly counted.

    I find it interesting that staffing of elections is out to bid right now. Is that a normal practice?

  4. As an election judge, I am not allowed to count ballots after the election and compare the electronic count to the paper record.

    Why not?


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