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Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren claims someone in the Obama administration told her to direct colleague Jennifer Griffin to stop investigating and reporting on the deadly September 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound and CIA annex in Benghazi.

Van Susteren wrote:

I remembered a disturbing phone call from a good friend in the Obama Administration. I have known this friend for years. The call was a short time after 9/11 (maybe Oct. 2012?) In the call, my friend told me that my colleague Jennifer Griffin, who was aggressively reporting on Benghazi, was wrong and that, as a favor to me, my friend in the Administration was telling me so that I could tell Jennifer so that she did not ruin her career. My friend was telling me to tell Jennifer to stop her reporting. Ruin her career?



  1. This is another case of the Obama regime exacting political revenge in an attempt to cover up his malfeasance in office by using Communist strong arm tactics. Just like the recent cases of the IRS, the EPA, the NSA and other Government agencies he is using the power of the federal Government to silence his political opposition.
    This is what dictators of Eastern Europe do. It is not what American Presidents do unless they are fraudulent, narcissistic magalomaniacs.
    That will be Obama's legacy and to fulfill Constitutional justice maybe he will be tried, convicted and hanged by the neck until dead like other despots before him for his crimes against the American people and crimes against humanity.

  2. Nothing new!! Why do you think Ob' appointed all those CZARs. Chicago politics.

  3. Maybe when the NObama administration starts attacking the msm in mass they will start a rebellion. In the meantime they are drooling, snot faced, kids impressed with someone they view as a hero.


  4. They were afraid that Fox would discover the attackers were actually hired by either the CIA or Hillary to guard the consulate.

    News today that Ansar al-Sharia who was eventually blamed by investigators refused to protect the staff... the same group has been training al 'Qaeda operatives to fight in the Syria insurgency. This is why there was a cover-up.

    Obama has a networked Islamic terror organization threaded all through out the Mid East fomenting Arab Spring.

    The Non-Fox media has been in a totally ambiguous mode when it comes to explaining to America who-is-who .

  5. Getea might have an accident. The communists don't play nice.

  6. "Ruin her career"? As in, once we kill you in a car accident or a street robbery, there goes your career. these people don't play.
    And Greta should also know that by saying she got a PHONE CALL, the Obama/NSA goons are already combing the calls to Greta. And they have ALL of them.

  7. I believe many people now are so fed up with this president and all his corrupt, lying, evil cohorts they simply want to continue to get the truth out in anyway possible.

    Not too many people associated with the FOX network seem to be intimated. Pray that All will be exposed for all to see.

  8. Ha Ha! Imclain! The call CAME from the NSA...


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